<p>how is the nursing program at UCLA for GUYS? also, if I wanted, would it be difficult to take the pre-reqs for med school and become a doctor? I imagine they're alsmost identical.</p>
<p>Those are two completely different fields of medicine. Figure out which one you like better and do that one. Don’t go into the nursing program with the intent of (maybe) going to med school. You’d be taking a place from someone who actually wants to be a nurse.
And you’re just going to have to get over the being a guy in nursing thing. I can tell you that the stigma no longer exists except in the minds of idiots who don’t know what they’re talking about. Go check out the med center - I worked with plenty of male nurses in the ER.</p>
<p>no one will make fun of you if you reach for your dreams!</p>
<p>peter petrelli is a nurse…</p>
<p>^he is a former nurse turned actor.</p>
<p>LOL…peter petrlli, i hope they kill sylar next episode</p>
<p>I hope they kill Claire…she always wears high heels, ***** can’t run with high heels!! :mad:</p>
<p>claire is hAWT though, i would def. miss her</p>
<p>Well, I certainly wouldn’t. It’s wise, you won’t have difficulty finding a job, and you’ll probably secure a comfortable, and at least middle-class lifestyle. Had I started my college career differently, I would have strongly considered it an option - male or female. It’s a smart decision.</p>
<p>well what chick wouldn’t wanna date a guy who is making real money straight outa college…</p>
<p>think of it this way…while ur fellow college grades are struggling to find jobs that pay over 35k a year…u will be easily making 60k, without having to be anyone’s *****</p>
<p>^ you get paid big bucks for giving sponge baths to old folks, and you have to touch their genitals and wipe their poo and stuff…someone has to do it.</p>
<p>Male nurses are in high demand. Hospitals need stronger people to lift fat people and carry heavy equipment. At least, that’s what my school nurse told me last year, albeit less bluntly. I won’t make fun of you, but certainly some people will. Who cares what those people think, though?</p>
<p>No, we won’t make fun of you.</p>
<p>My friend is a male in the nursing program, and he’s perfectly happy with his life.</p>
<p>Is Nursing as cut-throat as pre-med? :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Short answer is No, flopsy. It’s competitive to get into the nursing program but I wouldn’t say it’s cutthroat like pre-med. The program is very close-knit and supportive. It might grow tiring because clinic work and some classes are extension-based at night. I have a good amount of nursing friends at UCLA and it seems that they’re all excelling and building close relationships. There are plenty of advisers and a good support network as you can imagine.</p>
<p>Do people still laugh about the whole male nurse thing?</p>
<p>I think a nurse is a very noble career and something that is needed and appreciated. I have a lot of respect for people who are doctors, nurses, cops, firefighters, teachers, etc.</p>
<p>Yes people do, despite the “nobility” of the profession. Not everyone is as mature as you. :(</p>
<p>well society needs more people like you, fully ready to break the steryotype that nursing is a female profession.</p>
<p>it sounds lame…but seriously…follow your dreams</p>
<p>I don’t know much about the nursing program at UCLA, but I can chip in a girl’s perspective.
If I found the right guy, and he were a male nurse, I wouldn’t be dettered by his job at all. In fact, the idea that he wanted to help people and be able to work on a more personal level with his patients would be something I’d find attractive, and I think a lot of women would say the same thing.
Doing something you love and being a great person are attractive qualities! If that’s nursing, then go for it! : )</p>
<p>it is difficult to go from nursing to med school, so don’t do it as a “backup.”</p>