Wow, we have mods on this forum

<p>…who knew?</p>

<p>Can we get them to sticky a few threads before they swoop away until the next blue moon. ;)</p>

<p>lol, I just requested that they delete the thread from yesterday as well. Or at least my comments in said thread. It has done nothing but cause arguments and derision and for that I am truly sorry.</p>


<p>Says so right at the bottom of the threads. Guess NJ has more clout here since I’ve been after them to remove the “Please welcome NicoleWyatt” since Nicole departed.</p>

<p>Guess a man’s got to know his limitations, eh?</p>


<p>What’s past is past.</p>

<p>Now on to your regular scheduled Bama bidness programming ~</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Aww, NJBama. I thought there were a few good posts on that thread. :)</p>

<p>But, you are right: in the spirit of keeping the peace, best to tell it bye bye. </p>

<p>But (makes the “shush” sign with one finger over mouth), you might get your hand slapped for talking about the M-word…</p>

<p>Yes, there are Moderators on this forum.</p>

<p>We respond to “report problem post” notices which we receive, as we do on all forums.</p>

<p>The entire moderating team is volunteer. We cannot read every post on every forum, so rely on our members to alert us to problems. We then review all reports and decide what action, if any, is needed to maintain the forum in accord with our Terms of Service.</p>

<p>And, yes, Moderators can consider sticky-ing threads. If there are threads someone feels should be stickied, please go to the thread and click “Report Problem Post” on any post indicating that you are not objecting to the individual post but suggesting the thread be reviewed for possible sticky.</p>

<p>Be aware that the Site Administrator/owner prefers not to “over-sticky” any given forum… when there are a large number of sticky threads, this tends to push the newer, fresher content down the page.</p>

<p>We can also “feature” threads - highlight them in bold at the top of any forum, with a bit of teaser content to indicate the nature of the thread and attract attention to it.</p>

Moderator Andale for the Moderating Team</p>