<p>Did anyone get any notice from the admissions office on Yale likely ? or is too early for that ?</p>
<p>And the anxiety over likely letters (given to less than 1% of applicants) begins…</p>
<p>Most kids don’t even get likely letters. I wouldn’t worry about them. But if you want to know, the deadline for likelies, I believe, are on March 15th, which leaves plenty of time for you to receive a likely letter that you and most applicants are UNlikely to get.</p>
<p>apparently a kid got one yesterday. Buuuut here’s the thing: chances are we won’t get one. And for me, chances are I won’t even get an acceptance letter, let alone likely…</p>
<p>This is an understatement. Approx 100-150 LLs go out to non-athlete recruits out of the 29K applicants. </p>
<p>That’s a 0.34-0.51% rate of being sent a Likely Letter.</p>
<p>If you’re going to pine away about that, then you have some serious analytical deficiencies! Don’t do it! Go have some fun!</p>
<p>If you MUST read more about it, go here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/804816-quick-facts-about-likely-letters.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/804816-quick-facts-about-likely-letters.html</a></p>
<p>For the record, should anyone receive one of the STEM likely letters, it will probably be this week. I was first contacted on January 22 last year, which was the day after MLK Jr. Day, and I’m guessing they are keeping the same timeline for this year.</p>
<p>I’m not posting this to get anyone’s hopes up, but because I was very confused last year. I missed my initial call and spent an entire night worried about what Yale could have wanted.</p>
<p>DON’T EXPECT A LIKELY LETTER. But you should know what it is if you happen to get one.</p>
<p>Did you get an interview before your likely letter arrived?</p>
<p>njparent: the scheduling of an interview or not is not linked in any way to the receipt of a Likely Letter – two completely different areas of operation.</p>
<p>Thus some LL recipients were interviewed after LL receipt. Some were interviewed before the LL was issued. Some were never interviewed. There is no correlation</p>
<p>@Mario thank you. this is one aspect of the admissions process I wish we could just stop discussing altogether. The number of posters on CC that claim to have gotten one is unrealistic, and I definitely think some are straight up lying. Their only legitimate use is for competitive athletes and a handful of incredibly gifted youth. If you’re not one of those groups (be honest with yourself) stop worrying about it.</p>
<p>KoS: it’s just the nature of selective college admissions. If we pushed a rumor that colleges were looking for left-handed applicants, it would take traction and people would be posting about it as well. </p>
<p>As much as the infinitesimal LL recipient rate is, people can’t stay away from wondering “Could I get one?”</p>
<p>I just got a call literally 5 minutes ago and got a likely letter OMG IM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF AHHHHHHHH
<p>Congratulations FirstUsajmo! What’s your intended major?</p>
<p>Congrats, FirstUsajmo! I hope to see you on campus next year. Remember, Y>HP!</p>
<p>KingofSweden - I know a kid who received one last year. Not a STEM major and not a particularly exceptional student by Yale standards. Not a URM, nor in need of financial aid. He is a legacy though. The mystery of the Likely Letters…</p>
<p>@2018dad Computer Science! Maybe BME or something along those lines; I haven’t completely decided yet. I suppose YES-W will help that decision? :)</p>
<p>@MikeNY5 Oh my gosh thank you! I have a few friends at Yale, and from what I’ve heard, it’s absolutely amazing. So, I hope to see you there next year also!</p>
<p>@FirstUsajmo, congratulations! You must be a usajmo qualifier. Yale is an amazing place.</p>
<p>@firstusjamo - did they call on your cell ? Did you have an interview ? Thanks.</p>
<p>quant: please see what I wrote in post 8. firstusjamo having or not having an interview was irrelevant to his/her receipt of a likely letter.</p>
<p>@susan4 Haha, yes I am, and thank you! :)</p>
<p>@quantumbyte Yes, they did call me on my cell! I’m not sure whether or not I should answer the second question because the interview should be irrelevant. However, I’ll relate this because it was actually kind of funny. I got a call about 15 minutes after my interview concluded for Yale ironically enough, and I saw the number was from New Haven, Connecticut, so I figured it was my interviewer. But turns out it was from the admissions office with the likely letter notification and I about died.</p>
<p>Hey guys, I just got a call/email too! If anyone was wondering, I did not get an interview. Does anyone know how “likely” this likely letter is supposed to be?</p>