Yale University Admissions Fall 2022

Does anyone not get a “This page is inactive” error when clicking on the withdrawal form :thinking:?

works for me

i also get page is inactive

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It says “To complete this form, click here.” for when I press the Withdraw my Application form

doesn’t work now

when you click here it should show you a yellow message saying page is inactive


Same here

I also have this.

Could mean we were either waitlisted or accepted. That is my guess but I also have no idea.

It means nothing. All of us are getting the same message.


Wait so it says inactive when your click withdraw application or when you click on “here”

yeah i think we all have this though



Can people access the Yale instructions for admitted students? I can

Yes I can too, what does it mean? I am logged into my account literally when reading the instructions

Is this if I were to click the withdrawal form?

How do you access instructions? Is there a link?

Where can you see it?

Good luck to those of you waiting to hear if you will be Baby Bulldogs. I can assure you that those competitive for admissions and denied will do great things elsewhere. I tell my interviewees this every year and if asked if I achieved things I would have not gotten if I went elsewhere I readily say no. I hope you all, despite many having some disappointment today, fulfill your college dreams. I know that you will.


How do u access the instructions? Is there a link?