
<p>First thread ever in the AA forum, lol.</p>

<p>I'm such a loser.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, are you AA lol</p>

<p><em>first white person to post in forum</em> ...so i discovered this forum in the same way columbus discovered america, right?</p>


<p>yes :)</p>

<p>and lol @ choklitrain (both your comment and you username...haha)</p>

<p>woohoo, first asian in AA! =D</p>

<p>second asian in AA woot! lolz.</p>

<p>first hispanic!</p>

<p>lol...diversity...gotta luv it!</p>

<p>lmaooooooo.... i just saw this!</p>

<p>there's a whole forum for black people now? CC FTW!</p>

<p>I'll have to send the others over!</p>

<p>Darn it! Why do I always gotta be late 2 da party?!</p>

<p>^Hi SMIA! Hopefully it means you have better things to do!</p>

<p><-- Is cleanin' house gettin' ready for the descent of family and friends ridin the train w/us to Obamathon 2009!</p>

<p>(yeah. I can post and clean house at the same time. Nifty trick, huh?)</p>

<p>Oh this is so exciting!!</p>

<p>Triguena in the house!</p>

<p>Query--how are your schools handling missing school to watch the inauguration?</p>

<p>Good morning!!</p>

<p>The kid is at Howard, so you can imagine the big to-do there. Classes are canceled for Tuesday. The kid already told me she was skipping classes anyway to attend. I told her I had no problems with that!!</p>

<p>She volunteered to work the inaguaration. Filled out the forms...went to the orientation, found out she now has CIA clearance (!) and has her creditentials. She will be with a youth group conference on Monday. They will tour the White House, the Capital and meet with Al Gore and Colin Powel. (!)</p>

<p>Also, Spike Lee, Jeremiah Wright (!) and Cornell West be on campus. And viewings of the inaguaration will be held at the auditorium. Great times!!</p>


<p>how does your daughter like Howard?</p>

<p>I have been accepted there, and plan to go visit sometime in March. But I haven't really been in contact with a lot of students who currently go there. Anything she absolutely can't stand about HU (other than the administation office, haha)? What sold her on going to the school?</p>

<p>2legit, my daughter cannot imagine being anywhere else. She went to DC for NAIMUN her junior year and decided she wanted to go to college in DC. We visited Howard and other schools that summer.</p>

<p>She got the Laureate Scholarship and went to visit in March her senior year for the Weekend at the Mecca. I thought the summer visit sealed it for her, but she said visiting and spending the weekend with students is what made the final decision. The young ladies who hosted her looked her up when she came in the fall, so she had a small group of friends to start.</p>

<p>Administration hasn't been too bad, but I suspect its because the Laureate scholars have thier own admins. She isn't impressed with campus security, but being from Detroit and with both of parents associated with Public Safety, she knows about personal safety.</p>

<p>She has also mentioned that classes are female heavy. We wonder if this is because she is in the honors program. I noted at the reception they had for incoming scholarship recipients that there sure were a lot of girls. That being said, she has a crew that seems to be evenly split on gender.</p>

<p>She likes her instructors. The classes have been challenging. She likes the campus. She likes the city. She likes being around other motivated Black students.</p>

<p>Your best indicator will be your visit in March. If you are a NA finalist or semi-finalist, the weekend visit is free, except getting there. It's worth the effort to see if Howard is for you. Actually, I recommend visiting all schools that really interest you.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>OMG! Silvermoonlock! That sounds like the experience of a LIFETIME for your D - How absolutely fabulous! Mine is skipping classes and flying in for the day, but she'll be among the ticketless throng w/the happy horror stories to tell. <em>grin</em></p>