
<p>I signed the contract knowing that it didn't guarantee anything.
However, I did not expect to get my absolute LAST choice.</p>

<p>Is there anything I can do?</p>

<p>My building is old, gross, cramped, etc.</p>

<p>Can I go off campus? Where?</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.housing.wisc.edu/docs/admin-assignments/residence-halls-contract-14-15.pdf”>http://www.housing.wisc.edu/docs/admin-assignments/residence-halls-contract-14-15.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Some options are listed in this document including 1) paying 85% of the housing and dining services in order to ‘buy out’ of the contract and 2) requesting a release in writing to live off-campus</p>

<p>Another idea is to go to the Division of Housing in person and fill out a form requesting to live in a different dorm(s) should space become available.</p>

<p>Even though you received your last choice, you should consider sticking with it; a first-year experience in a UW dorm is not the same as off-campus housing. Try to look beyond the size and age of your dorm (which one is it?).</p>

<p>Cole hall.</p>

<p>From the look of the picture, there’s hardly enough room for the given furniture.</p>

<p>PS: it’s not the substance free thing I’m worried about.</p>

<p>Here is a link to pictures of Cole Hall. Of course it is a matter of opinion, but I don’t think it looks old and gross and cramped:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.housing.wisc.edu/cole/photos.html”>http://www.housing.wisc.edu/cole/photos.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Were you hoping for DeJope or Leopold?</p>

<p>Cole rooms are listed as 10’7" x 16’; in comparison, Chadbourne rooms are 10’8" x 15’6". Cole may be a typical size as compared to all of the dorms except for the newer ones.</p>

<p>Many consider getting lakeshore housing a bonus.</p>

<p>My daughter lived in Chadbourne for two years in a room, as mentioned by Madison85, is virtually the same size. Same furniture and yes, it fits in there just as pictured. My daughter brought a fairly good sized futon, her roommate brought an ottoman and pretty big TV. Lofted the beds and it was fine. </p>

<p>Cole is by no means one of the oldest dorms. Barnard is the oldest, followed by Adams, Tripp, Kronshage, then Liz. It also was improved since I lived there eons ago- especially the bathrooms (saw it when son had a summer running camp at UW). It has pleasant surroundings. The rooms also are not the smallest on campus- see Chad reference. Sullivan, Sellery and Witte are similar in size- all built in the same general era. Be thankful Cole is only 4 stories- you can easily use the stairs instead of waiting for an elevator. Finally- all dorms are well maintained. I know of Liz rooms on the first floor that are a bit bigger but face the street and are half underground- son was across the hall. I’m sure those rooms will always be occupied by freshmen as returning residents who choose Liz will avoid them, despite the unexpected surprise of air conditioning to avoid mildew problems. Don’t see where the gross comment fits- Res Halls maintains clean facilities- unlike some supposedly elite private schools commented on by parents on CC. Costs have to be affordable, for most college students, not just those whose parents can pay all costs themselves. Just wait until you see what is available for any prices in rental apartments- there you can find truly gross places. </p>

<p>Of course there’s only room for the given furniture. If you loft you can fit a futon in. What do you expect out of a dorm BEDroom? It’s not an apartment but just a place to sleep and study. You are not expected to spend all of your waking hours there. Of course, if you were spoiled at home with an oversized single bedroom you will have a rude awakening to the world of the average middle class person.</p>

<p>I’m living in Cole too, except it was my first choice and not my last. The dorms aren’t huge and it’s not the newest, but the people are what makes the dorm. And for me the BioHouse made a lot of sense. </p>

<p>A bit of Cole history- other than that found on the Res Halls website. In the fall of 1972 the first UW dorms became coed- one Southeast and one Lakeshore. Cole was the Lakeshore one. It disrupted my plans to stay on 3rd floor so I went to 4th. It was my first choice. btw, Liz waters was the last dorm to become coed- they finally decided they didn’t need a women only dorm for the fall of 2006. Son lived in the same dorm his grandmother did, the one I did not want since it was distant from the men’s dorms. My mother also lived in Tripp during the late WWII years and in my time Adams and Tripp were men only. Since my day they have radically changed dining service locations, added new dorms and renovated the old ones. By my time the food service options were similar with the pay for what you get and anyone allowed to eat in all of Res Halls facilities. </p>

<p>Note that your time at UW will be different from just a few years ago and a few years later- a dynamic campus.</p>

<p>I lived in Witte back in the day-- cement city. Lakeshore dorms were coveted. Cole was my son’s first choice and he’s glad-- it’s a great setting and will be close to fields where he hopes to play his club sport. Dorms are dorms. Few are beautiful; mine was the opposite of nice-- and my best friends are still the kids I met my first week there. </p>