YIKES- No PSAT mail= Worry??

<p>I go to one of those schools that likes to keep its students in agonizing suspense over the winter break (well I guess not agonizing but I would like to know my scores) so I still don't know if I made the cutoff for semi-finalist. However, I've gotten no mail from colleges yet, should I be worried? Has the mail onslaught already begun for other people?</p>

<p>Bump It Up</p>

<p>i dont think juniors get psat mail...i didnt</p>

<p>I haven't been getting much college mail from the PSAT either, but that's because I indicated on the scantron that I did not want to get college mail.</p>

<p>It really isn't an indication for much. I got a 236.</p>

<p>My son made a high score and has received only 3 college mailings, and none in the last 2 weeks, so you probably shouldn't worry too much.</p>

<p>I've gotten mailings just about EVERYDAY...ranging from Emory, UGA,and Penn State to no-namers...and I didn't even score high...</p>

<p>the letters usually start coming in feb/march from what i remember last year.</p>

<p>getting mail from colleges doesn't mean that you didn't score high.</p>

<p>... getting mail from colleges doesn't mean anything, really. Just that colleges got your name from somewhere and mailed you something.</p>

<p>i got my score before winter break...and i did really well (236), but i havent got much stuff from colleges. Just some info. packets from certain universities that i showed some interest in at the college fair.</p>

<p>Question: just out of curiousity, how low of a score would the 99th percentile include? any ideas?</p>