2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread

<p>If my father had that kind of Money, I’d have just asked him to let me invest it, then live of the profits…the hell with Princeton.</p>

<p>Legacy does not play a huige part but there is a measurable boost. The acceptance rate for legacies is about 20% higher than others. Now they all could have higher stats too being kids of college grads but those are the overall numbers.</p>

<p>I finally decided to apply to Wisconsin-Madison a few days ago. I’m hoping to get in (32 ACT, 3.9 W GPA), does anybody have any idea about merit scholarships and how they work? I don’t know much about this school yet.</p>

<p>I submitted all my stuff like a month ago but on my web page it still says they are reviewing to see if they got all my materials…its been like this for almost a month…is it jut me? should i call them up</p>

<p>Tmac-You need to apply for any scholarships, nothing automatic. This year there is a UW website with various scholarships listed. You may also check your local UW alumni organization- details for contacting them on the UW site. Get to know the school- explore the website. Don’t count on merit aid from UW as an incoming freshman.</p>

<p>Life- Check the dates on the UW website. Rolling admissions but it could be mid March before you get your decision.</p>

<p>Thanks wis, and I’m not counting on merit aide, just hoping because it would definitely put Wisconsin ahead of Minnesota on my list. I’ve been checking out the website for the past few days now, and I like what I see. I’m still a little confused on applying for merit aide, though, and I can’t seem to find the application for it.</p>

<p>There is no single application for merit aid. They finally at least made a list of available scholarships in one place. You need to check out any you are interested in and follow up from there. BTW, you will probably find more people with your stats or better than available merit scholarships apply to UW; only those who bother to do the work to apply will get any.</p>

<p>This is weird, I had all of my supplies in October 31st (some of them even earlier) and I still haven’t heard back.</p>

<p>Denied after being postponed in October.</p>

<p>3.82 UW, 4.012 W, Many AP’s, Dual Enrollment, 35 ACT, Rank 5/174, N. Dakota Resident, Lots of Music EC’s/leadership, NO recommendations.</p>

<p>^wait, WHAT?! how did u get your final decision already? when did u send in your mid-year report…? we’re not even done with second marking period yet. &…wow, i can’t believe they rejected u! : ( they must really be into those recommendations…:/</p>

<p>I had less stats (3.9 GPA, 32 ACT, Rank at about 12%, Only 1 AP, nothing special in terms of ec’s) and I was accepted with no recs at all, so I don’t know what the heck is going on… I’m a MN resident.</p>

<p>i think since wisconsin and minnesota have that little agreement thing where minnesota residents get a discount on tuition at wisconsin, they treat minnesota residents like wisconsin residents in the sense that they give them priority in making applications decisions.</p>

<p>Rolling admissions, folks. Tuition reciprocity means the student’s home state determines an instate comparable rate for the other state’s schools. No decision priorities based on locations. No recommendations- evidently can matter.</p>

<p>But I got in with less stats and no recs as well so I dont think that’s the thing.</p>

<p>I got a D+ in AP Stats first trimester. Everything else was B’s. Likely why I got rejected.</p>

<p>Wait, what? How do you have a 3.9 with almost all B’s and a D. Is your school one of the places that does GPA’s out of 5? If so, then that expplains a lot.</p>

<p>^ No, it’s out of 4. My transcript is like 80% A’s, 15% B’s, 4% C’s and then a D. It comes out to about a 3.7. it was 3.8 before I got the D.</p>

<p>just got in. Yes!</p>

<p>Loon- the downward trend in grades hurt you just as an upward trend helps others. There would be concerns that you would not be able to handle the UW workload due to knowledge foundation or inability to handle upper level material- or poor work/study habits. Your senior year is not over and will matter if you decide to transfer after a freshman year elsewhere. Work harder the rest of the year to show you can handle your courses and to learn more before college- the more you learn now the easier it will be next year.</p>

<p>I got accepted!</p>

CR - 560
Math - 800
Writing - 650</p>

Math1 - 800
Math2 - 800
Physics - 800</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.93
8 AP classes
No Recommendation
Requested FA</p>

<p>I live in Virginia</p>

<p>I guess I am lucky!?
My CR is terrible… Hope I get an admission letter soon</p>

<p>Btw my intended major is mechanical engineering</p>