2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread

<p>Read post #93 everyone. </p>

<p>Postponement IS a decision- they need to keep room for better candidates who haven’t yet applied (the deadline is Feb 1st after all). Not too long ago (2 or so years) there were no promises of any action on applications for those who applied earlier than a certain date- this is still rolling admissions with much more knowledge of where you stand than the private schools who give all decisions around March sometime. Patience is required.</p>

<p>The old percentages chart may currently be misleading and that could be why they dropped it. Everyone has to remember that 90% still means a 10% chance of the opposite happening. Those who are postponed should have another school for backup if the final decision later is denial. </p>

<p>Desperately wanting to go to UW, visiting often and telling them of your desire to attend often will not make you any more competitive than others who also want to attend UW and have better credentials.</p>

<p>Also- take your time to think things through before you sign any housing contract. The public dorms (UW Res Halls) need a response within a certain time frame from your acceptance date but will release you from your contract if you do not attend UW. The private dorms do not have the application deadline, are first come first served but probably will NOT release you from your signed contract if you do not attend UW. Read the fine print and don’t be taken in by glossy brochures. Some statements may be true, but true even if you don’t live in a private dorm (eg access to food and other campus services).</p>

<p>Woot!. Just checked the site this morning, and got the Congrats Message! Applied to Engineering Mechanics with the Astronautics Option. OOS Illinois, ACT 32, Top 10% of class taking most rigorous curriculum offered at the HS.</p>

<p>So, my son got this email this morning at 8:40 AM from UW:</p>

<p>"Congratulations once again on your admission to the University of Wisconsin–Madison! </p>

<p>In addition to proudly welcoming you to our university community, I do want to offer you more information about potential mailings and solicitations from businesses that are not affiliated with the university.</p>

<p>As a state institution, the University of Wisconsin is required to provide your contact information to third-party enterprises. If you would like us to withhold your contact information from non-university businesses, please do the following today:</p>

<p>1) Log onto the MyUW Web portal. If you have not already, you will need to activate your NetID prior to logging on. To do so, you will need your 10-digit campus ID number, which can be found on your admission letter. </p>

<p>2) Once logged onto MyUW, click on Student Center and go to the Personal Information section.</p>

<p>3) Select Third Party Hold from the pull-down menu and indicate your desire to opt out of non-university mailings."</p>

<p>Then at 9:30 AM he got a spam email about private dorms from Campus Connect. Nice 50 minute warning. Guess the cat’s out of the bag.</p>

<p>So if you are admitted, you may want to do what the UW email suggests soon after if you don’t want to get 3rd party crap. I’m really skeptical about what compels Madison to release info to 3rd parties. There is an email address to inquire so I think I’ll do so but doubt I’ll get far. My son hasn’t received anything concerning the other UW campus he was admitted to and that happened more that 2 weeks before Madison.</p>

<p>I did not mind getting that particular spam from Campus Connect when my daughter was admitted last year. I liked seeing those options all at one time. She ended up not going to UW but we know kids who live in the private dorms and a few of those dorms are worth thinking about.</p>


<p>3.78 unweighted GPA (AcDec gpa is about 3.73 which might be closer)
Rank: 79/390–school doesn’t weight for AP/honors classes. Competitive suburban high school.
Projected majors: Economics/Statistics or Business</p>

<p>ACT-31 (34 E, 32 M, 30 R, 27 S, 9 E)
12 AP Classes total (if you are counting the 2 econ self studies+ WCATY)
Hooks: WCATY program (spent 3 weeks at UW taking AP class during summer), Boys State, AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

<p>I guess they keep their word about course rigor being the most important qualification, but it looks like state residency is right up there. Thanks wis75 for helping me not worry as much. ;)</p>

<p>3.5 GPA and a 1970 SAT on first try (will take it again in November)</p>

<p>I will be turning in my application on Friday…How soon should I expect to hear back by?</p>

<p>oh, jesus, i’m getting really nervous here after having read some of these earlier posts…:(</p>

<p>30 ACT, 7 APs, ~3.5 UW, OOS…i <em>thought</em> it was a match/safety :&lt;/p>

<p>5 APs, 2160 SAT, 3.5-3.6, turned it in today, nj resident. </p>

<p>This isn’t my safety school, this is the school I’m aiming for, maybe even a reach (chemical engineering). Hope I get in!</p>

<p>I am going to become hated by most people on this thread for this…</p>

<p>I got accepted, Out of State, with a 3.1 GPA; 27 ACT. Top 45%. Not great EC’s. Worked a LOT of hours. Essays were OK. One rec. Lots of AP’s.</p>

<p>Don’t know why, but I did.</p>

<p>I don’t understand why they took me and denied that kid with the 35/3.9.</p>

<p>Brett- was your junior year gpa a lot higher than the first 2 years? Did you get good AP test scores? That may have made the difference. Improving grades do matter.</p>

<p>^ Not really. I think my 3 year GPA breakdown was like 3.1, 3.2, 3.15 or something like that. </p>

<p>Bad AP Scores, but I didn’t send then to Wisconsin.</p>

<p>I seriously don’t know why I got in but I feel damn guilty seeing people a gazillion times more qualified than me get rejected.</p>

<p>What state? Seems people out west, in chicago, and in northern minnesota/north dakota are having a more difficult time than those in the Twin Cities or out east.</p>

<p>His location says Maine, so that probably helped out some in his admission.</p>

<p>duh, I didn’t even say that… but yea, I guess the pattern is holding true then.</p>

Chicago area - National Merit SemiFinalist 5.51 weighted GPA, 33 ACT 2190 SAT strong extra- curriculars.</p>

<p>Solid, finally someone who should have been an easy admit that was.</p>

<p>I just returned from a board meeting at the school that graduated my daughter last year. I asked the college counsellor what the stats looked like for UW applicants from the school. This is an in state private school with a good academic reputation that does not rank. She said that from her school, students with around unweighted GPA 3.65, ACT 31 with leadership extracuriculars were being admitted. A student with a, unweighted 3.6 ACT 29 a number of APs and many activities was postponed. A student with a an unweighted 3.5 ACT 33 with similar activities was admitted</p>

<p>What the ****ing hell?</p>

<p>OOS, 4.0 UW, 29 ACT, Valedictorian, 3 sports, NHS, 3 recs, very good essays, 20ish honors/AP classes</p>

<p>…all this and I got POSTPONED.</p>

<p>If I get into an ivy and not UW… seriously…</p>

<p>seems like if your stats are too good UW thinks you are using them as a safety. maybe your essays did not convey that you really wanted to go to UW? maybe UW thought you just recyclyed the essays and were just going through the motions. not that i agree with it…just trying to explain it…you sure seem qualified to get into UW to me. UW seems to have wacky inconsistent standards. what state are you from tommyx6?</p>

<p>i think people from certain areas get postponed automatically. the rep form ny told me without even looking at my app that i wouldn’t hear back until february.</p>