2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread



<p>Except Wisconsin doesn’t require recs… I got in without them too</p>

<p>…If the directions call for recommendations, then that means you have to send them! If you can’t follow directions, then that is grounds for immediate denial… and I am a college counselor and former admissions rep…</p>

<p>I don’t know where you worked or what you meant by your comment, but I sat at a two day round table last year with quite a few admission reps as part of discussion concerning how to simplify the paper flow to colleges. The flow of documents comes to the schools over a very long period of time and often recommendations are the last pieces of paper that complete an application. I never once heard anything from anyone about denial for any missing piece of information without there being some kind of either paper or online notification that the application is not completed in full.</p>

<p>Recs are encouraged, not required and I was accepted bout two weeks ago without any.</p>

<p>I’m not applying this year (got in last year, actually), but I’d just like to say:</p>

<p>I know a ton of OOS kids (especially from the east and west coast) here right now who got in with very non-impressive stats. There’s people from Delaware, Texas, California…with 3.1 GPAs, 1-2 AP classes, 1800 SATs, one teacher rec but probably very good essays/statements explaining their situations and all…thats what I’ve found out so far after talking to many people from outside of Wisconsin.</p>

<p>Yea, but selectivity appears to have shot up a ton this year.</p>

<p>Just accepted today! I’m really Pumped!</p>

<p>33 ACT
3.820 UW GPA (Top 18%)
2 AP’s
Solid EC’s
Live in St. Paul
I’ve seen recs have been discussed quite a bit on here - I did not have any recs</p>

<p>Go Big Red!!!</p>

<p>FYI: App submitted 10/14, transcript recieved 10/22</p>

<p>Uh, I looked up “big red” and found Cornell and Nebraska- I think you may want to say “Go Badgers”. btw- trivia- even though we all consider the school colors red and white the red may actually be cardinal.</p>

<p>Really? I know it is Big Red for Cornell and Nebraska but i swear that when I visited UW I saw a number of ‘Big Red’ t-shirts walkin around and for sale in the Bookstore. Oh well, though, I guess I was wrong… I’m just glad I got in!</p>

<p>My DS just got accepted. We have been checking everyday and it just posted today! A Sunday, can you believe it?</p>

<p>Stats: GPA unweighted: I think around a 3.7; 4.3 something weighted
29 ACT
Lots of EC’s and leadership roles
Varsity Football Team and Basketball Team
2 Letters of Rec (which I assume were helpful)
Very rigorous courses, lots of APs, community college clsses, etc., but had quite a
few Bs </p>

<p>We are so happy! Good luck to everyone still waiting. We love the school. I just hope we can afford the OOS tuition.</p>

<p>I forgot to add that he was in the top 10% of a large competitive HS.</p>

<p>^Wow, a lot more than I had (except my ACT was higher). Congratulations!</p>

<p>Just got accepted to the college of letters and science as a transfer student from UW-Milwaukee. I’m real happy about it!</p>

<p>ACT: 27
GPA: 3.4 (high school) / 3.2 (college)
Took 2 AP’s in high school
2 letters of rec
My grade trend has been good, 3.0-3.5-3.55 for my last 3 semesters
I’m a Wisconsin resident</p>

<p>^ lol, I like your username. And congrats! :P</p>

<p>ha, thanks</p>

<p>Hey–just found these forums, I’m really sad that I’ve been postponed at my top choice school since I was like ten!

<p>3.765 gpa
26 ACT
white female–oos
two strong rec. letters
strong essays
multiple alumni in family
NHS, works a job, multiple clubs and extracurriculars</p>

<p>Still waiting on a reply, but they received my transcrips 10/22:</p>

<p>3.31 gpa
28 ACT
In state
Strong recs
2 APs
A lot of ECs, part time job for 2 years</p>

<p>I just wanna know!!!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted LSA</p>

SAT: 2230 (710 CR, 760 M, 750 W)
SAT IIs: Math level 1-730 Math Level 2-730, Chemistry 690
GPA: around 3.8 UW (school does not rank, weight grades, or give out GPA) but took every honors, advanced course given at the school
Other stats: Varsity Athlete 4yrs., community service greater that 400 hrs. international fellowship leadership position
Essays: quirky and different
Teacher Recs: Very Good??? agreed to not view
Counselor Rec: Probably verygood
Hook (if any): None
State or Country: New York
School Type: Private, very competitive
Ethnicity: white
Gender: Male
Other Factors: Submitted everything by Oct. 15th</p>


<p>so…i found out today that this girl in my grade got accepted about a week ago. i still haven’t heard back, & it’s possible that she applied a couple of weeks before me, but aren’t college decisions also processed by an area/region representative or something? so, if i don’t hear back soon, is it safe to assume it’s bad news? :[</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted LSA</p>

ACT: 33
GPA: 3.7
Other stats: VP of Senior Class, Editor in Chief of newspaper, VP of historical society, VP of Assoc. of Business Students, volunteer at kindergarten for mentally challegened kids, full time summer job past 3 years
Essays: very strong
Teacher Recs: Was allowed to read them, and they were both great
Counselor Rec: I assume good
Hook (if any): None
State or Country: Wisco
School Type: Public, not really competitive at all
Ethnicity: white
Gender: Male
Other Factors: They said online that they recieved all my info on 11/04. They were really quick.</p>

<p>And does anyone know when we find out about Honors?</p>

<p>CC, I wouldn’t ass-u-me anything.</p>