2014 Computer Based Honors Program (CBHP)

<p>My son is flying in today as well since he had a previously scheduled commitment in the Midwest yesterday and this morning. Best of luck to all the CBHP participants this weekend! </p>

<p>Safe travels to all and best wishes!</p>


<p>Good luck to all! Thankfully the weather is cooperating. </p>

<p>My DD will be there tomorrow. She is very excited! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Quick update: We picked DS up from the airport late last night. He was exhausted (said he hardly got any sleep; his hotel roomie was a big-time snorer), but had a GREAT time. He is more excited about UA than ever, and came home with a big bag of 'Bama gear from the Supestore. He said 50 kids were invited for 40 spots, so praying that he’ll make the cut…</p>

<p>He shouldn’t be worried, between initial acceptances and waitlist spots I here nearly everyone gets in. A current student described the interview process as them just checking that you wouldn’t be intolerable to work with. Apparently it’s very different than UFE.</p>

Just to clarify…those who are not selected to be one of the 40 are not put on the WL. Those that are in the reserve pool are on the WL. </p>

<p>I know that it may seem odd, but that’s they way it is.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids: I’ve seen your posts on many of the UA threads and you seem very knowledgeable. I’m hoping you can answer my question. We’re OOS and my S has a full tuition + engineering scholarship to UA. He applied to Fellows & made it to semi-finalist, but did not get chosen as a finalist. He did not apply to CBHP, mostly because he applied and got into UA honors very early and also applied to Fellows really early as well. At the time, he couldn’t find much info on CBHP and he opted not to apply, mostly because he was just so busy with school, sports and his other applications at the deadline time. Now that he’s heard more about the program, he’s sorry he didn’t go for it. We are assuming that if you don’t get into CBHP as an entering Freshmen, there is not another opportunity to do so. If you can’t get in later, is there a way for students who are not part of CBHP to be involved in research? We still haven’t visited the campus, but plan to during March. To be honest, UA started out as nothing more than a safety school with good scholarship money for my S, but as he has talked to others about it, and read about it, Bama has moved up to being one of his top 3 choices at this point. This is in spite of the fact that his Dad is a former Auburn athlete and graduate whose head just might explode if our S decides to wear Crimson. :)</p>

<p>cdkmom, show your son this</p>

<p><a href=“http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/”>http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Cdkmom: I hope you do not mind answers from some of us other “moms” :)<br>
The CBH Program is only for incoming freshmen, so I am afraid to say that your son has missed the deadline to apply, be selected and interviewed. There is also a reserve pool of applicants who have applied, who will fill in any spots that are available, if any of the final selectees do not accept their spots. </p>

<p>For future prospective students: Be aware of any application deadlines and fill out all applications you might have an interest in. There are multiple threads here on this forum which discusses the CBH and UFE Programs. Do a search to learn the information that is available about these programs before you decide it doesn’t interest you. The only way to be accepted to these programs is to complete the entire process. There isn’t any way to circumvent this process, otherwise it would be unfair to those on the reserve wait list.</p>

<p>Cdkmom: there are other programs which include research at UA, Class2012Mom has led you to the Emerging Scholars link, but your student can also participate in various summer programs across the nation. Just note that all these programs are highly competitive, so it is best to keep a high GPA, and get involved in extra curriculars and clubs, especially those that pertain to his major. Many of these programs are looking for bright, highly motivated and talented students. Remember to write a good personal statement and apply early. You will need to search for these opportunities online. </p>

<p>Then of course, there is always the tried and true method, of knocking on doors and introducing yourself to the professors, explaining your interests. However, many of these positions require a substantial time commitment and usually no pay.</p>