
<p>My daughter got her YES envelope in the mail today. Her status online says “thank you for applying and a decision has been mailed.” I went to TCU and I am so excited she got in!!! Great GPA, ok ACT, Girl Scout Gold, club and school vball and TONS of volunteering and mission trips.</p>

<p>My son got his acceptance via U.S. mail today. we live in the San Francisco area. Accepted to Neeley School of Business. Goes to private school, about unweighted 3.7 GPA with 7 classes for all four years, few AP classes as many private schools don’t view them positively (they instead do honors seminars, sort of college style), lots of leadership extracurricular, long term stuff, including Eagle and national leadership related to scouting, Black Belt, politics, economics. Also got into Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles, Hofstra on Long Island, so far. turned down at Claremont McKenna.</p>

<p>I got accepted. I have a 3.73 gpa, a 25 on my act. I am the captain of my dance team and really involved but I was so nervous! I am so excited to possibly be a horned frog next year! Good luck to everyone</p>

<p>I got my acceptance letter yesterday in the mail, and I’m so excited! :slight_smile: My portal didn’t change until a few hours before my letter arrived though.
My stats:
GPA uw: 3.8 w: 4.0
SAT (ssc): 1900
ACT: 28
Good luck to everyone!!</p>

<p>S got accepted today. Live in Tennessee. His portal changed yesterday. It is very exciting!</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Portal says my decision letter has been sent but still nothing…
Probably cause I’m out of state!</p>

<p>D was accepted today. Her portal changed yesterday to say “Thank you for applying to TCU. Your letter has been mailed.” This is one of her top choices, so there is a good chance she will be there in the Fall. Good luck to all. This wait is SO difficult, but thank goodness for EA!</p>

<p>I got my acceptance yesterday and I am from Houston :)</p>

<p>Got my big acceptance envelope this afternoon! My TCU portal still has not changed and still says my decision has been mailed :)</p>

<p>Should I be worried if somebody who lives 1 mile away from me got her acceptance letter but I haven’t received anything? We applied around the same time…</p>

<p>I am in NH…yes, snowy, cold NH…and I am…</p>

<p>IN! Acceptance letter arrived today! Now the fun part of figuring out the financials!
Good Luck All!</p>


<p>Denver, CO
31 ACT composite
4.0 uw/4.24 w
Rank: 1/506 uw, 10/506 w
Solid ECs
Good Essays/Recs</p>

<p>I live in Southern California and my admission decision has not yet arrived. However, our mail is VERY slow, so hopefully it will show up by Saturday! :)</p>

<p>My portal changed last Tuesday to “a decision has been mailed”. I’m leaving today for two weeks and unfortunately did not get my decision in the mail. Does the portal ever change to say whether you are accepted or denied? </p>

<p>I’m curious if I’m going to have to wait two weeks to find out by mail or if I will be able to find out online while I’m gone.</p>

<p>The online application check site only ever changes to a decision has been mailed. The only way to find out your decision is through the letter in the mail. Hope you get accepted!!</p>

<p>From NJ, got my acceptance letter today, so excited to possibly be a Horned Frog next year</p>

<p>From California~ received my admission decision today!
Accepted!!! Major: Business
Go Horned Frogs! :)</p>

<p>The application portal to accepted/denied 3 days after it shows that a decision has been mailed.</p>

<p>Got in Thursday from DC. 3.4 & 1940</p>

<p>When do we hear about merit aid?</p>