
<p>ACT: 22
GPA: 3.9 UW
Class Rank: 3/323
IB Diploma Candidate </p>

<p>ITGS SL: 5
Math Studies SL: 6</p>


<p>IB History HL
IB Spanish B HL
IB English A HL
IB Biology SL
AP Calc AB
AP Chem</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted!</p>

<p>So they <em>have</em> started sending OOS acceptances?</p>

<p>I got my acceptance!!! Although I’m a spring applicant, got it on November 1st. If Spring applicants have gotten their acceptances then I’m pretty sure most of the fall applicants should start to receive notifications.</p>

<p>So far it looks like all in states (i check Twitter as well). Based on history, the out of states will show up either this Friday afternoon or next Friday afternoon. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Do they send out rejections at the same time as acceptances or do they send out rejections all at once ? I got in and my friend applied like 3 days after and hasn’t heard back yet</p>

<p>Does applying to College of Engineering take longer time for acceptance? At the admission information session, I got conflicting information about admission to engineering.</p>

<p>You applied to the university as a whole regardless of your intended school/college or major. Therefore you get accepted to the whole university. This means you can change your major at any time and not lose your acceptance. Engineering students are preengineering as freshmen and will need to formally apply to that college after having a track record at UW. Likewise most business students are prebusiness as freshmen. Read the UW website for the departmental details. btw, most of your classes will be in L&S your first year to meet breadth requirements and prerequisites for your intended major.</p>

<p>^ That is what the Admission Office said too, but the engineering session said one would apply to the College of Engineering directly to be pre-admitted as freshmen.</p>

<p>Here is what I found on the web:</p>

<p>How do I apply to the College of Engineering at UW-Madison?</p>

<p>When you apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, be sure to check the box on the application that asks if you want to be an engineering student. You can designate an intended major or remain undecided in engineering. When you are admitted to UW-Madison, you will be classified as an EGR student, meaning you are a general engineering student. You will be assigned to an advisor through the Engineering General Resources Office (EGR), who will guide you through the process of meeting the requirements to apply to an engineering degree-granting program, which typically happens at the end of your first year. Once admitted to a department, you’ll be assigned a faculty advisor from that department.</p>

<p>nperez-is that a 32 or a 22 for the act?</p>

<p>Has there been any rejections ??</p>

<p>Two acceptances at my high school.
One above average, one far below. I live in WI.</p>

<p>I applied Oct. 27. Transcript is on its way.
32 ACT/4.00 UW/9 APs</p>

<p>Any guess when I’ll here back? I’m already freaking out.</p>

<p>^^I was under the impression that anyone not accepted EA would more likely be deferred to the RD pool than rejected outright, unless they were well below the bar of being accepted regardless of the applicant pool.</p>

<p>SaraCo, I would bet that you will fine. My daughter applied a few days before you and we are hoping she will hear by Christmas. It seems like in state students are receiving notifications first, so maybe you will here before her.
Best of luck!</p>

<p>I do think Madison postpones a lot of kids.</p>

<p>Thanks @saperne !
I should have applied earlier. I have no idea how people applying to more competitive schools do it. At least I have some hope.</p>

<p>By Christmas would be nice. I could buy myself a Madison hoodie for the holidays!</p>


<p>Somewhat insulting but no its a 22. I had a special interview with the university that granted me acceptance or deferral on Friday Nov 1st which was when I found out that I was accepted. It’s a special program only for Chicago students. (Chicago Scholars) I think I did well on the interview and so it must have boosted my chances.</p>

<p>^ It seems that is not a regular acceptance. Based on the past year, oos acceptance should be started to announced around this Friday.</p>

<p>"…WHEN you are admitted…" “…guide…requirements…typically…end of your first year.” You first are admitted to the university, then engineering tells you how to begin the acceptance to it process. Declaring your interest in engineering has no bearing on your being accepted by UW.</p>

<p>UW has rolling admissions- an applicant can be accepted at any time, not just when they roll out the first bulk batch of acceptances.</p>

<p>^ It seems you are mixing up admitted to the engineering school and to specific program. It is pre-admitted into engineering school as EGR freshmen student. Then you need to meet the requirement to apply to a specific major/program after freshmen year. It said “be sure to check the box on the application that asks if you want to be an engineering student”. This indicates there is difference between applying to engineering school and others. I was at the engineering admission session during a Summer visit and that was also the information I got. It is also very similar to other engineering schools I have visited over the summer. At the engineering session, they said around 80% of the EGR students entered their first choice major/program later on as some programs are more competitive. I also found that EGR students may also transfer out of engineering.
What you are saying is similar to the general admission session though. That is why I said there are conflicting information.</p>

<p>@nperez </p>

<p>-sorry if that was insulting, I was just shocked because my friends got denied even with a 29! Good luck to you at Madison!! Also, can you explain what the interview/program was? I am from Chicago and it seems like it really helped you. Thanks in advance!</p>