
<p>Parent of current UW student, just addressing some characterizations of admissions procedure here. </p>

<p>UW does rolling admission, not EA, with two cycles of applications. The first round gets a decision by the end of January – and that decision can be admit, deny or postpone. Having watched two admissions cycles pretty carefully, admits in the first round are the strongest stat kids. A large pool of qualified kids will be postponed to be compared against the apps that come in during the second round. Many of those postponed apps will be admitted in the spring. There are rejections in the first round (we know some), but you just won’t read about them as much on CC.</p>

<p>Try not to spend too much time deciphering the meaning of changes to MyUW etc. Based on past cycles, students hear as quickly as a 7-10 days and as long as 2-3 months from the time that MyUW said their app was complete and was being considered. </p>

<p>Good luck, and keep focused on your academics. Even admitted students have to update their information with first semester grades, and then second semester grades.</p>

<p>@amaksomovich </p>

<p>None taken haha. But really? What school do you go to?</p>

<p>It’s Chicago scholars you can basically just google it. Essentially it’s a program where hundreds of chicago students apply and when accepted they go through countless workshops that help you narrow down a list of colleges that will be at an event called “Chicago Scholars Onsite Event.” Within the event there are certain colleges that you interview with and some give decisions right in your face you can either get accepted or deferred, never denied. UW-Madison did not give out decisions that day, they gave them out last friday. There were numerous selective colleges such as Uchicago, Harvard, USC, Northwestern, and evidently USC. I just had an interview with the admissions rep of UW-Madison and he asked me questions related to my leadership abilities and on my extra-curricular activities. Majority of students from which I heard from had only been asked three questions as it was only a ten minute interview as well. But that’s it, at least the majority of it. :)</p>

<p>@nperez- thanks again for the input. I go to lyons township hs and i am a junior. I looked on their website and it said to apply for the class of 2019. when did you apply for it. also are you a senior now? Is it to late for me to apply?</p>

<p>The Chicago Scholars program appears to for residents of the city of Chicago and not for those of its suburbs.</p>

<p>when do you think NJ students will start to hear? app sent 10/9…when and how do you hear about Business school direct admit? does anyone know the process?</p>

<p>OOS from Chicago area- Application completed a few weeks ago, but I’m nervous because I sent letters of rec invitations to an invalid email, and I’m wondering if it’s holding back my application, even though it says that it’s in review. 32 ACT, 3.97 GPA, tons of ECs including Eagle Scout and leadership in school clubs… Would I be qualified enough to not be postponed, or even hear back relatively soon? (One of my top schools!)</p>

<p>@humanity23 you seem like a good candidate for admission so don’t worry about getting postponed! The issue with the recommendation letters shouldn’t effect your application or when you hear back! Good luck :)</p>

<p>Hey Amaksomovich. Lyons township is not part of chicago so I don’t think that you are able to apply for the program since majority of the people I have met go to school in Chicago and not in the Chicago-LAND area which where Lyons Township may pertain to.</p>

<p>@bb2mom I hope we find out soon! I’m from NJ as well…judging by trends from past years, it seems like the first batch of out of state decisions will probably be released this Friday.</p>

<p>@deerstalkers thanks for the info…i have twins that both applied and are eager for decisions</p>

<p>MyUW says my application is being reviewed by a counselor. Does this mean anything other than everything is in?</p>

<p>Do they read applications by things like ACT score? The highest first?</p>

<p>@SaraCo As far as I can tell, that just means that they received all the necessary items to begin reviewing your application. My status changed to that the same time that they got my transcript. It’s the intermediate message before a decision is posted, although it can be several weeks before that happens. </p>

<p>As far as I can tell, they read the applications generally in the order in which they arrive, but some applications take longer than others to complete a decision.</p>

<p>Any idea when a Oct 27 submission should be first ‘seen’ by a counselor?</p>

<p>I have absolutely no clue, but if I had to guess I’d say probably not for a week or two? It depends on how many admissions counselors they have reading applications, and how many applications got in before you. At the end of October they probably received more applications than any other time so far.</p>

<p>My D submitted the oos application on 10/6. It was completed on 10/16 and the status shows as being reviewed since then. Hopefully we will hear something within the next couple weeks.</p>

<p>Has there been any acceptances since last Friday?</p>

<p>I think they are going to be releasing more acceptances this Friday.</p>

<p>^ Why?
Is this typical? Friday releases?</p>

<p>I think early off it is. I mean everyone heard last Friday but no one has since so I’m just assuming lol I could be wrong</p>

<p>In the past years, Friday is the big day of acceptance release. But there also some during the rest of the week. Hopefully the oos acceptance will start to be announced tomorrow.</p>