
<p>Has anyone heard anything yet?</p>

<p>Not me… Getting impatient… </p>

<p>Deerstalkers, did you apply as transfer or freshman?</p>

<p>I applied as a freshman! I was just wondering since it’s Friday, and it’s around that time in the evening…</p>

<p>Yeah… I applied as oos transfer on October 1st. Am hoping to hear today but nothing so far</p>

<p>Just got accepted! Applied 10/9 and I’m in state</p>

<p>I was looking on the futurebadge hashtag on twitter and it looks like some people got accepted within the last hour, and it looks like all of them were Wisconsin residents.</p>

<p>Yemissi, did you apply for fall 2014 then?</p>

<p>edit: Congratulations! At least some more people are getting notified!</p>

<p>No. I applied for Spring 2014… Getting sick of this Wisconsin residents business. They really need to start notifying oos applicants too.</p>

<p>I just received an acceptance email! I’m from MN and I applied in late October.</p>

<p>D just accepted from MN. Applied end of Sept.

<p>when will california hear? I applied late september and have very good statistics.</p>

<p>Could those of you who received acceptances please post your stats? Also if anyone has heard of any denials…</p>

<p>wisco1- 32 act, 3.985 gpa unweighted, 4 years of fall/spring varsity sports, like 2 clubs. From a fairly large/competitive madison area high school where most of the senior class applies to UW</p>

<p>How did those students who received decisions find out? Did you get an email or did you just have to keep checking the student center (and where was the decision found within the student center)</p>

<p>^ Where it says that your application is being reviewed by a counselor. It changes to your decision.</p>

<p>2014nhs-I received an email that stated their was an admission decision available to view on my online account</p>

<p>Has anyone from the Chicago area heard yet? I applied September 2nd, I’m anxious to hear back.</p>

<p>I applied late october, from MN, still haven’t heard. Many people have heard from minnesota though, but none from my high school yet.</p>

<p>No one from California has heard either, from what I’ve seen. I applied 10/8.</p>

<p>Instate. 10/27. No word yet.</p>

<p>My daughter received an email Friday night, 11/8/13, that decision was ready. She then logged into her UW Madison account to read that she was accepted!!! </p>

<p>ACT 26
Weighted GPA 3.6
Unweighted GPA 3.4
Top 14% of class of 370 students
Wisconsin resident
Applied September 22</p>

<p>3 sports Freshman and Sophomore years. 1 sport Junior and Senior years. NHS Senior year, clubs, volunteer work, about 20 hours per week job. </p>

<p>6 AP classes (3 are Senior year)
5 Honors classes (1 is Senior year)
Will graduate with 28.5 credits.</p>

<p>She did not take easy classes, which is why her GPA is probably a little lower than most, but her GPA went up every year, which I believe helped her.</p>