Accepted/Rejected Thread Fall 2017 transfer students

me too!!!

Congratulations!!! @GoNoles271106

Congratulations guys! Are you both from the US? I think thats why i haven’t heard

thank you @canes20 same to you!!! go canes! and yes I’m in the US

how did you find out that you got accepted?

@canes20 @GoNoles271106

Still haven’t received my decision

they sent me an email that a decision was posted on my cane link

@Monkeyboy961 I received an email telling me to check canelink. I’m from Florida

When you guys logged to your canelink was there anything different? Like a congratulations message or something or did you have to open the decision letter to know you were in.

you have to open the decision letter!

Still haven’t hear either… maybe I will call them tomorrow and ask

Hi guys my application was considered complete at March 16. Can you guys tell me if my stats are good enough?

Gpa: 3.93
Credits: 63
Ec: 10 hrs and I graduated with highest honors at MDC

I hope I can get in, and Same with all of you. And congrats to who got I’m :smiley:

congrats! when did you apply

I applied late January. When you log into canelink there should be a new message under the communication center

Did any of you get a scholarship and if so how much… I’m going to try to transfer next year because I did not get a scholarship this year and couldn’t afford it

Have any international students received decisions?

Hey everyone! I’m looking to transfer in as a business major.
Can someone please chance me?

Here are my stats:

Currently a second semester freshman applying as a sophomore

School: Bryant University
First semester GPA: 3.73
GPA on second semester midterm report: 3.75

-Run my own business (apparel company)
-Side hustle: online resale business
-Certified Personal Trainer
-On the membership committee for the entrepreneurship club at my school, was chosen to attend a national entrepreneurship conference in Tampa, FL

High School GPA: 3.6
SAT: 1700
ACT: 24
Took 2 AP classes

-member of student government
-member of Young Investors Society
-Intern at Anytime Fitness where I worked alongside the manager and did social media marketing
-member of Toastmasters public speaking club

Best of luck to everyone applying to schools!

How are your FA packages looking?

Has anyone not heard back yet? If you havent where are you from and when did you submit your application? Im from central america and submitted on january 30th