Accepted to Spring term, what to do?

<p>D was notified by email in Feb.</p>

<p>Thats the first time I have heard someone being notified of spring admit through email. Anyone else get an email about spring?</p>

<p>On line letter. Sorry for the confusion.</p>

<p>my online letter didnt mention anything in regard to spring. I hope that doesnt mean they arent offering it to me</p>

<p>I got just got my letter saying I was admitted for spring and waitlisted for the fall. I’m very excited! It’s definitely an option I am seriously considering. I’ll probably travel during the fall. I think I’ll look into the Semester at Sea program.</p>

<p>@Cheer007 Where are you from?</p>

<p>I’m from the northern Bay Area (CA)</p>

<p>I too was accepted for the spring and will do the UM in DC</p>

<p>I wasn’t offered the DC term. Congratulation to you @collegeiscrazy13!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how housing works for spring admits?</p>

<p>@cheer, I think all spring term admits are allowed to sign up for UM in DC. It’s a rolling admission.</p>

<p>I take it that everyone who has been put on the waitlist/accepted into the Spring 2014 term saw the notice on the bottom of the letter saying how limited financial aid would be (and how grants/scholarships would not be given out). I talked to my parents about this, and they think that it is just a way to see who REALLY wants to go to UM and separate them from those who just applied for w/e reason. I really hope that is the case. Has anyone here ever heard of waitlist acceptances/spring acceptances eventually getting financial aid? Thank you!</p>

<p>I’d like to know the same thing @JKnick305</p>

<p>If you qualify for need-based financial aid, I’d imagine you will still get something. And I think at the end of your first year at UM your financial aid is reconsidered if it was limited the first year. I doubt anyone who was waitlisted qualifies for merit-based anyway so merit-based is irrelevant.</p>

<p>@jakey54 a friend of mine who got in during Early Action (who I have a better SAT/GPA than) got an $8,000 scholarship. It is not much considering the total cost of tuition, but it does help. My other friends who also got in for early action with better grades, and better SAT, qualified for $12,000-$15,000 scholarships. This is why I wanted to know.</p>

<p>According to the letter, Financial aid based on need (so, I’m guessing this applies to FAFSA mostly) will only be based on whether the school has enough funds to give it out at the time or not.</p>

<p>@cheer007 was there nothing in your letter explaining the UM in DC program?</p>

<p>@muf123 Not everyone on waitlist is offered the UM in DC program. They are only taking 60 students into that program, and the offer was in your waitlist letter with instructions.</p>

<p>No, I did not receive any information about the DC program. But that’s perfectly okay with me. I’m hoping I’ll be in India for those four months of fall anyways. </p>

<p>For me, this spring admission offer is a fantastic opportunity. I have been considering deferring my enrollment (no matter where I end up going to school) anyways. This gives me the perfect time to travel and explore new worlds before I begin my adult life. And hopefully, upon my return, I will be even more mature and ready to battle the waters of college. I feel so blessed that my UM spring admission gives me this opportunity and a fantastic education!</p>

<p>@cheer007 did your letter just say you were waitlisted? Or did they simply offer you spring admission?</p>

<p>Sorry just read past thread it appears you were accepted to spring at um. Odd that they didn’t include the um in DC offer for fall</p>

<p>I am also waitlisted for the Fall.</p>