African-American Class of 2014 Thread

<p>If you don’t want to go to college, where would you go? What do you have in mind?</p>

<p>I believe in the necessity of college except in cases where you have no clue what you want to study and do.</p>

<p>It’s an amazing experience for those with a purpose and direction but it can be a real nightmare for some people. And expensive too.</p>

<p>On the other hand, no kid is going to make it without a skill. If you don’t go to college, don’t spend your days flipping burgers or waiting tables thinking you’re going to have some epiphany that clears everything up for you. Pick something and do it - plumbing, carpentry, computer networking, start a business, hawk cell phones, get certified, Liscensed or registered to do something - sell real estate or something. There is tons of money to be made but you got to get it, degree or no degree.</p>

<p>I completely agree</p>

<p>if you aren’t sure about what you want out of college, apply anyway. </p>

<p>And then take a gap year. If you still don’t want to go to college, then just don’t appear on campus that fall.</p>

<p>But it’ll never be as easy to apply and get into colleges as it will be in the first semester of your senior year.</p>

<p>African American male by way of TX here. Any other texans here?</p>


<p>While I’m from TX, I do have a small affinity for NC (Born there in the ever-small Beaufort County).</p>

<p>But TX all the way tho…</p>

<p>Oh ok that’s nice, I was born in Ms! Ms all the way lol!</p>

<p>I’m still going to apply because I do want to be an engineer it’s just school life getting to me. Darn teenagers :)</p>

<p>Why was going on? (Teenagers)</p>

<p>What’s going on</p>

<p>I agree with @philovitist </p>

<p>Apply to some colleges regardless incase you change your mind. Just know that this would be your vest opportunity to get into a good college. </p>

<p>Also, my thing with a gap year is its good in theory but in reality after a gap year most people don’t feel like going back to school.</p>

<p>College is a great experience and opportunity to take advantage of if you get the chance. This is the only time in your life where you still have total freedom yet almost no responsibilities (bills especially).</p>

<p>Oops I didn’t even see your second post, my bad.</p>

<p>Are you talking about drama?</p>

<p>So how many colleges are y’all applying to? I honestly don’t know how many schools I should apply to.</p>

<p>Maybe 7 or eight unless it narrows down…</p>

<p>My parents very kindly put aside enough $ (for application fees and SAT scores to be sent) for me to apply to about 10:
3 stretch
4 matches
3 safety schools
The above will likely be the breakdown…though realistically what I perceive as a match could be a safety or a stretch depending upon so many things.</p>

<p>IF I am lucky enough to get into more than a couple, I can go to accepted students weekends at my top 3 choices. Our whole issue now is making the time to visit out of state schools. In the end, I think about 3 of the choices to apply to may be ones I have not seen before. They tell me that they have done their part saving for this step), now I have to do mine and research school thoroughly and visit as many as I can before the end of Sept.
If I find a couple of schools I LOVE, then I will apply to fewer schools in general.
My buddie applied to just 4 last 4: 2 safety schools, 1 good match school and one LONG shot. Got into his match and is going.

<p>I think I’m going to apply to maybe about 20, I know the power of being poor enough to get fee waivers. :slight_smile: But I got invited to go to the Chicago Scholars thing with a few colleges, one is Harvard, and if accepted I will go to the thing. The colleges read applications from you and sometimes give admission offers on the spot so wish me luck it’s in October. :D</p>

<p>Forgot about fee waivers! I will get a few based on college programs I was invited to and attended (or am attending this summer). Often at these they will waive your application fee if you attend. So, Sorine reminded me that I can/should apply to these places too since the application fees will be waived. Good point, Sorine. Think my list now may be my 10 planned but at least 3 more where the fee will be waived.</p>


<p>@Sorine Oh you’re talking about the Onsite at UIC event. I’m going to that too.</p>