African-American Class of 2014 Thread

<p>Team Africa</p>

<p>I feel like most black people that go to top colleges are kids of african immigrants. Has anyone emse noticed this or am I being really stupid?</p>

<p>I think it’s just african culture vs. african american culture. I think africans just value education more and see it as a way to progress in society</p>

<p>Yeah, im from cameroon, and my parents have instilled the whole work hard for what you want mentality.</p>

<p>Yes!! I can’t afford to fail because of what my parents did to come to this country. They wanted to go give my siblings and I an opportunity that will benefit us all in the long run</p>

<p>could you check out my post about my college list. I know its kinda late but im trying to finalize it.</p>

<p>Well I’m not African and my parents aren’t immigrants, but they still emphasize the importance of education.</p>

<p>I didnt say thet every single african american family doesnt emphasize school.</p>

<p>I just looked at it</p>

<p>Hi! I don’t know how I never saw this thread before. I’m a rising senior and I’m Nigerian! It’s nice to see other Nigerians doing great things. Naija all dayyy lol.</p>

<p>Oops I mean Africa all dayyy, I didn’t see you calleva. (this means African Americans too!) :)</p>

<p>Hahahahahahahaha !!!</p>

<p>Yeah we really are!!</p>

<p>im not african american</p>

<p>anyways, is anyone else applying to cornell?</p>

<p>Are any og ypu guys going to apply to HBCUs? I’m thinking about howard</p>

<p>^Oh God no. The only HBCU that caught my attention was Spelman, but it’s all girls, and I’m a guy. I honestly don’t think I would enjoy myself at an HBCU.</p>

<p>Hahah dude seriously? Why not? I feel like i’ve gone to predominately white schools for the past 6 years, and i feel like i’d want a change!</p>

<p>Howard seems nice but I don’t know if its really me. I’m applying anyways though because of their great scholarships. </p>

<p>@Calleva haha I know your not that’s why I put go Africa. I put African Americans after because this is the African Americans forum. Anyways I’m probably applying to Cornell but that idk if I want to go to Ithaca.</p>

<p>Hey everyone Im a newbie here lol I actually think this is the first post Ive made.</p>

<p>@Mandingo I like diversity. My school right now is like 30% black, 30% white, 20% hispanic, and 20% asian. I like that mix. Obviously I won’t find a college that diverse but I need a mix of cultures. No matter where I go my friends will probably be black anyways. So I might as well experience other people. I know that sentence sounded weird but yeah…</p>