African-American Class of 2014 Thread

<p>@TinnyT I know what you mean about wanting diversity, and about most of your friends being black anyway hahah. Other than HBCUs, i usually look at schools that have a sizable african american population (ex. Mercer which is like 40% black)</p>

<p>are you aiming for the same degree of social segregation when you go to college?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say segregation, but i just feel like get along with black people more. Most of my friends are white, but most of my “close” friends are black. I just relate to them better.</p>

<p>I’m applying to mainly Florida schools and I want to know if there are any African scholarships. I’m Nigerian</p>

<p>Loli i don’t know dude, but maybe look into florida A&M.</p>

<p>I totally agree with TinnyT. I love my black friends and my closest friends are black. But I don’t think I could handle all black people all the time. I’ve always gone to mostly white schools and have a mix of friends. I like things like that</p>

<p>Hey! I’ve been looking around for a place for motivated C/O 2014 African American students! Just out her trying to find a perfect college fit for me</p>

<p>I’m Floridan . I feel out of place -_- compared to the native Africans ! Anywho good luck to everyone on their endeavors this year :wink:
My top four:
GSU (state not southern)
CAU (private school)
if you guys have had any personal connections or relatives who went to these school or just know information you would like to share, I would appreciate !
Thanks :)</p>

<p>I dislike when there is not diversity so HBCUs don’t make any connection to me. I haven’t even considered any of them. Coming from Jamaica where it’s Out Of Many One People (motto), I’ve always had diversity and diversity has always been a big factor into the schools that I choose to go to.</p>

<p>Also despite the fact that I am Jamaican, I do consider myself AA since I am an American Citizen(not born here though). This is contrary to what some people believe.</p>

<p>Hey guys I just wanted to know how you felt about historically black colleges?
Would you consider going to one?</p>

<p>@MissDetermined Hav you ever visited GSU? It’s really different, its like living in the middle of downtown atlanta.</p>

<p>I went to Hampton U. HBCUs are wonderful schools but they have their strengths and weaknesses.</p>

<p>Coming from a low income, single parent household and a school where blacks usually clustered at the bottom of the class or just dropped out, it was a great experience for me to see the diversity of thought and life experience among black people.</p>

<p>It opened my eyes to the notion that I could be anything I chose and that I wasn’t 2nd class to anyone. I needed to learn that.</p>

<p>Im looking at spelman but they dont tend to offer good financial aid which is one of the main things I look for in school (100% need met and preferably need blind). Though, I am not low income- college will do a whole lotta damage on myself if I have alot of debt and my family. So, thats a big minus but I think I might still apply.
Im also looking at howard but that is kind of a super safety for me. But there is a good chance I could get good financial aid. Idk about howard because it is a big party school. And I do look for places where I can party like the partys at howard but academics need to be the main focus of all the students at the college I go to.</p>

<p>HBCUs don’t offer 100% need met deals but scholarship offers to academically outstanding students is pretty good. My D was offered a full ride including room and board plus a monthly stipend based on her GPA and SAT scores.</p>

<p>Unfortunately for my wallet she didn’t accept it.</p>

<p>I got scholarship money when I attended as well many years ago.</p>

<p>@JwaJwa Honestly dude, don’t count howard out yet. Its actually a pretty good school. You ever been on the campus?</p>

<p>@Love: Definitely not… it’d be really different, as my town is ~80-90% white (so, the schools are, too), but I want to go somewhere with a lot of diversity in terms of race (and everything else).</p>

<p>@Mandingo Nope but I am sure I will! I’m just not sure about Howard. I have mixed feelings. Hopefully, by the time I apply their whole administration system will be better. I just don’t know! lol I want to absolutely love every school on my list and I’m not feeling that way towards Howard. </p>

<p>Why would you recommend keeping Howard on my list? :)</p>

<p>Hey fellow floridians! Anyone started their essays? I’ve started my essay for UF, nothing fancy yet.</p>

<p>I’ve started plenty of essays, but they are mostly for scholarships and other events. I’ve started my two essays for UMichigan, but they’re basic outlines. I’m almost finished with two great essays, one about my background and the other a “coming of age”. I’m trying to craft the former into my common app essay for prompt 1.</p>

<p>Awesome, I’ve written my essay for UF, I think it’s good I’m just not sure if its the right topic.</p>