Alabama Action Form is Up

<p><a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>I was just looking for this and did not see it. Thanks!</p>

<p>Does anyone know when OA form will be available? Not sure if AA or OA is better fit for DS.</p>

<p>A lot depends on how well your child handles summer heat. Outdoor Action is pretty much outside, so if they stay under the A/C when it’s hot, AA might be a better fit :)</p>

<p>I am wondering if they might be using the same form? This one asks if your child is willing to work outside? Of course, I know nothing and my kid doesn’t go there, so I may be completely wrong.</p>

<p>My daughter has already completed the application, gotten the check and taken the envelope to the post office and sent it over night mail. Do you think she is excited?</p>

<p>We’ll be hand-delivering the app and check tomorrow…LOL! (We’re here for the Honor Band Festival.)</p>

<p>The form asks for CWID. Is that the same as the campus id number?</p>

<p>If not, where do you find a student’s CWID?</p>

<p>CWID is the campus wide id.</p>

<p>Wdaveo: hope you have a great time in the honor band and at Bama.</p>

<p>My DS is planning the OA week right now. He says it’s going to be GREAT! He tells me that they are going to do 2 OA groups this year because of all the interest. Sounds like more students will get to enjoy this wonderful program!</p>

<p>This may be a silly question, but bear with me please. This is my first and only headed to college so I am a bit overwhelmed by the process. :slight_smile: Alabama Action sounds like a wonderful opportunity and something my dd would love. Is this the same week as sorority recruitment? If so, is it possible to do both?</p>

<p>Here is a thread they may help answer your question, scroll down to omama’s comment, her daughter did both. I would think it would be a very tight schedule/stressful schedule. I would go with her suggestion to check w/Greek Life if it is still possible. aphimommy is always a good resource about recruitment week, hopefully she will chime in.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Is it really necessary to overnight the AA application? Especially since tomorrow is Saturday, I expect that if I throw it in the mail today it should arrive Monday or Tuesday.</p>

<p>IIRC, there were students last year who didn’t apply for AA until April or May and got in. OA seemed to go more quickly. A lot of kids haven’t even decided where they’re going next year, and many that have probably haven’t figured out the AA application is up. I think you’re very safe in sending it by regular mail.</p>

<p>No you do not need to overnight the application. I think that student was just so excited.</p>

<p>It was pure excitement for my daughter, and totally worth the $15 to see her face as she ran out the door on the way to the post office. Most likely not necessary, but I enjoyed it.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if they’re going to hold to the same number (40???) for Outdoor Action?</p>

<p>Last year there was some talk of expanding and doing the canoe trip on 2 days to accomodate more kids. (the canoe trip on Friday is what has been the limiting factor so far)</p>

<p>m2ck, they are actually going to have 2 separate groups for OA so my DS tells me. He is having weekly planning meetings for the last month!</p>

<p>Looking for a little guidance here . . . D is definitely one who would like OA. She likes the outdoors, is a member of the Environmental Club, volunteers with our local environmental organization, etc. However, she doesn’t like the heat and isn’t used to August in Alabama. Would she do better with AA, or do they spend a lot of time doing outdoor work as well?</p>

<p>If she doesn’t like heat, then she’d probably do better with AA…I know I would!</p>

<p>I think that with AA there are some choices…others might know more.</p>