Answering questions about Loomis

You’ll receive a folder probably late next week with welcome letters, etc. I think ours came a little more than a week after March 10.

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Hi my son got accepted to G9 for both Loomis and Taft. We will only decide after revisit day. Does LC have study hall as I don’t seem to find this info in website. He definitely needs more structure in his study. My friend’s son attends Taft so he shared his experience but I don’t know anyone from LC. Does LC has study hall ? so would be great if you can share your view on academic side, if it’s very challenging .

Yes, freshman and sophomores have a study hall included in their block schedule and boarding students have study hall I believe from 7:30-9:30 every school night (I’m not 100% positive of the exact times, perhaps one of the students can confirm). The academics are very rigorous but a lot of the workload seems based on class placement. The advanced classes (what Loomis calls honors) are more demanding and carry more outside work by design and are certainly not a requirement but rather a choice. There is a lot of flexibility to move between levels at the beginning of the term and dropping down from an advanced class to regular to balance workload is really common - so there’s no need to stay in a situation that’s too challenging.

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Thank you, can anyone kindly share experience on the performing arts especially music program? On website looks good but would like hear from students experience. I think this will be one of the factors we will take into account between these two schools. Thank you!

Does Loomis provide good opportunities to support students’ mental health, and help them? What are some of the things they do? How is the mental health of students? Thank you!

I received mine an hour ago.

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Any good swag?

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Not really lol. Some stickers and a bunch of letters and tuition info. Can’t complain tho.


Loomis has a counseling department and for me they’ve been hit or miss historically, but this year they’re really made an effort to help. I have a counselor I talk to pretty often who fights for me and I recently was able to get testing for mental health and ADHD because of learning issues. They’re also somewhat accommodating for mental health I’d say but I’ve also personally heard a lot of stories from past students about the counseling dept. not working for them so I think it’s just based on who you talk to.

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So I think my classes are in my sophomore chance me on my profile but I’m taking advanced, CLs, and normal classes on top of lots of extracurriculars, and it’s been able to work for me personally. I think it depends a lot, a lot, on how you manage your time. Even as a freshman I think Loomis’s implementation of evening study halls as well as a day time study hall for freshmen helps build these habits. They also have office hours and learning resources if you want to go for help, and many of the teachers are flexible and will do their best to accommodate you. I think my biggest key to surviving some really hard terms was just communicating with the teachers. Due to several reasons I missed around…40 ish class blocks this term but I was able to catch up still due to time mgmt and communication.

I was in orchestra for a term in my freshman fall and I did theater the past term.

I think due to the pandemic my orchestra experience was a bit more of a compromise than I liked (I was in a different time zone and had severe anxiety) but I think the in person orchestra this year has been better. Mr. Hadari, our orch director, is really nice and lovely, and tries to help whenever he can. I think the experience is pretty individualized though so if you can come to revisit days learning about it more in person would be better. As for class options for string instruments, I think for violins there’s chamber music, orchestra, and maybe??? jazz band. But I’m not sure. We also have a chamber music intensive option for people to do as an after school activity

Theater is great, l really like it. I tried it out for fun this year and I was able to do a big part even when I’ve never been in a play before and the people who work on these productions are phenomenal.

Are there any clubs that you recommend? What clubs are the most relaxing and fun?

my club (joke)

there’s over 100 clubs this year so honestly I don’t even know, I think it depends on your personal interests and hobbies. For me, I really like creative writing, and one of my friends actually runs this club at LC called prose and poetry where we just share our writing every week or two :slight_smile: it’s so sweet and it’s a super encouraging atmosphere.

the log, our newspaper, is also super fun. we have a humor section where (spoiler alert) I write horoscopes (please go check them out I literally spend so long writing every article it gets to around 1k words every time). and they just have a lot of silly articles and you can write whatever you want. the loom also has similar things where you can submit creative writing and art pieces to a bi-annual publication.

I also am in a few other clubs and do debate but depending on how you view it I wouldn’t really call debate relaxing :face_with_raised_eyebrow: lol

btw if you want I can dm you a list of stuff I do primarily around campus and I can give you more info if you want

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Q about sports, if you have any information: if you want to try a new sport, what are tryouts like? Would you have separate tryouts from more experienced players?

Hi! I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the Pelican Preview Days? I enrolled in them, but am a bit nervous meeting all the new people.

Also, I was wondering a bit about the curfew and the rules for leaving campus (is there a town nearby and if so what type of shops/stores do they have)?

Students here can answer these questions but I always recommend prospective students and parents read through the student handbook for the schools they’re considering. Questions about study halls, curfews, leaving campus, etc. are all in there. Here’s Loomis’s:

It’s also great to look at the new parent & student info available online from last fall. Here’s what my first google search came up with for Loomis:

Loomis is also ahead of the game getting their course catalog for next year online. 2022–23 Course Offerings & Descriptions by Loomis Chaffee - Issuu

If you’re considering other schools as well, googling the equivalent docs for each is a great starting place.

How many new juniors typically appear every year? And are they almost always athletic recruits? My daughter is a rising junior on the WL at Loomis which is her top choice so curious as to actual # of junior spots in the last few years

Do dorms have their own fun activities that they do?

Do people only use 3m tape?? I heard that things like sticky tack are not allowed…

Are hoodies allowed?