Any Fall 2009 postponed people get a final answer yet?

<p>I got in!!</p>

<p>ACT 28
GPA 3.6
In state</p>

<p>decisions are online? mine still says postponed?</p>

<p>I'm ACT 27, GPA 3.6, in state, & mine still says postponed.
Does that mean I'm going elsewhere?</p>

<p>mine says online right now</p>

<p>etchesastar, did your "status details" link go away?</p>

<p>no. :&lt;/p>

<p>it's still there.</p>

<p>Same as yesterday, mine is still saying postponed w/ the status details link. I'm pretty confident there's a rejection letter in the mail lol
Not sure if I'd even go if I got in</p>

<p>My status details went away, but mine still says postponed.</p>

<p>damn i just want to see it in words. i need to know. it's like i've been waiting forever!</p>

<p>My status details went away yesterday and then it said accepted today. So that COULD be a good sign.</p>

<p>Yeah, T Bone!</p>

<p>I think they are still working on it. There will be more results coming out next week. For those who have 27 ACT or above with 3.5 UW GPA or above, I think majority would get an admission. Good luck!</p>

<p>Yes, try not to panic. Unlike some schools, UW does not seem to post decisions all at once. Admissions has thousands to update/notify so it seems to be happening over the course of several days. This also seemed to be the case when my son was waiting for the Jan. 15th notification....some heard before us and some a couple of days after. Hang in there, good luck and be patient.</p>

<p>i'm in!!!
New Jersey
1950 sat
3.7 gpa
my status details went away a couple of days ago, if you guys are wondering
great first semester grades<---reason why i got accepted?? iono, but whatever.</p>

<p>It is interesting reading some of the posts in this forum. I see some people stressing out whether they will get accepted to Wisconsin and see other posts from the same people about getting accepted into numerous other quality programs. In some cases it seems like the students are looking for quantity (number of acceptances for bragging rights) rather than truly interested in Wisconsin as a college choice. My S was accepted to Wisconsin and it is one of two serious considerations. As a Badger alum I know how good of a college experience it provides and how well it prepares you for life and career. In some respects I hope the students who really have a strong desire to attend UW get in and the other students who just "have it on their list" don't. Students who come in with an attitude that Wisconsin may not have been their real choice are not the ones UW needs.</p>

<p>I agree with CDOne somewhat. I see that some people have the 2400 on the SATS with a perfect 4.0 GPA (exaggerating) that apply to Wisconsin because they feel like it. It is sometimes discouraging knowing that those people who don't really want to go will get in ahead of me. I am not saying that I have not applied to a lot of schools, but I applied to schools I would consider equally. I see posts on Wisconsin, and other numerous colleges saying that Wisconsin is their lowest choice school and other things of that sort, and I wonder then, why did you apply if you really don't want to go?</p>

<p>I really do hope I get into Wisconsin, because I probably will end up going there if I do get in.</p>

<p>accepted for engineering
3.5 gpa, 30 act</p>

<p>congrats to those that got in, and good luck to those that are still waiting.</p>

<p>congrats ipam... did your status link disappear online?</p>

<p>Anyone accepted w/ status link not disappearing?</p>

<p>Just checked and I'm in!! Good luck to rest of you guys.</p>