Anyone gotten DECISIONS yet?

<p>flamingo2000: check EASY again tommorrow, LOL! I didn't get the banner until the day following "its great to be a Miami Hurricane". I believe someone else on here had the same experience. It will probably be there tommorrow.. oh, and after you see it that first time it is gone forever!</p>

<p>THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE AT MIAMI IS MESSED UP!!! i called today and they said i was an RD applicant, so my decision wouldn't come out til april, and then when they checked my app, they were like, oh...we're sorry, we made a mistake, you really are an EA im worried because they can only admit a certain number of ppl EA, and im worried they might have reached that point already, since everyone should have already gotten their was clearly marked EA, and now miami screwed up my app</p>

<p>The same thing happened to my D - she got a letter telling her that her file was complete and she'd hear by April 15th, but she had applied EA and it was definitely in by 11/1. She called the office and they said they'd correct it, but she hasn't heard yet - I'd give them a week and call again. I've been hearing about all sorts of problems with their office procedures.</p>

<p>my daughter applied early action - application check cleared my bank on 10/15. she got a letter on 1/14 saying she was rd because they didnt receive the supplement form (which she mailed with the check). she called down and they said, "oh yah, we do have it". They said they would act on her application right away but we are still waiting.</p>

<p>oh ok my stats.
SAT 1510, very good transcript from school(top in my level), good recommendations, ok ECAs.
i emailed the admissions office and they're still considering some of the scholarships. my case is one of the considered. don't know when i will know though.</p>

<p>can you find out about the scholarships you've been awarded on EASY or do you have to wait for a letter in the mail?</p>

<p>dont think they show up on easy</p>

<p>My D was awarded a scholarship over a month ago by mail- Nothing about it on EASY. Hope this helps. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Mine showed up on EASY today along with loans and grants.</p>

<p>mine showed up</p>

<p>congrats everyone! Where on EASY is the scholarship info.- On the section that says 'current awards'? Has this come out for RD applicants?</p>

<p>i think decisions have come out for RD applicants already 'cause I got mine in the mail on wed........don't know about the decision being online though.....seeing as I didn't even know I had an account......anyways, CONGRADULATIONS to everyone who got in EA and those getting in RD......feels great to be a hurricane.....feels great to be a anything (finally!)</p>

<p>To RD applicants who've already received decisions: Were any of you School of Music applicants? It seems like only College of Arts & Sciences applicants/general applicants are hearing back from them. Frustrating and nerve-racking!</p>

<p>No, I applied RD as a business major and found out via EASY. Now I'm waiting to hear about scholarships.</p>

<p>how do u find out via EASY</p>

<p>*You’ve made a great decision to join our university family. The faculty, administration and students at UM are looking forward to welcoming you at New Student Orientation.</p>

<p>In the meantime, we wish you the best while preparing for your arrival on campus. And remember where to find answers to your questions – visit askUM online or contact the Office of Admission.</p>

<p>It’s great to be a Miami Hurricane!*</p>

<p>This is what it says on mine, but I didnt apply ED and it seems like im OBLIGED TO GO? *** IS GOING ON?! Help! ITS MY BACKUP!!</p>

<p>Relax! S applied EA and his said that too. You are not obligated. They are just being upbeat. Congrats on the acceptance.</p>

<p>WOW Thanks, Im so relieved.</p>

<p>accepted and got 3/4 tuition scholarship. 1460 SAT, 3.6 UW gpa, 720 writing, 680 math 1c, 740 bio. good luck everyone</p>

<p>I was deferred from EA, does that mean I will find out before April 15?</p>

<p>Ahhh the anticipation =-/</p>