Anyone gotten DECISIONS yet?

<p>Islandin- Congrats! D got her letter today too! Full tuition! Definitely worth the wait! Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear.</p>

<p>I got in, with the Henry King Stanford schollie. Stats:</p>

<p>White Idahoan male
1300 (730V, 570M)
3.97 UW GPA

<p>Technically I don't qualify for the HKS Scholarship, but they gave it to me for some reason: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>dhm: congrats!! Does D know where she is going yet? Full tuition!~! Like I told my dh 85,300 for four years!! You can buy a house for that! VERY exciting!!</p>

<p>Hey lsandin---</p>

<p>Is your D waiting to hear from the other places before decision time? If that's the case, that brings up my earlier post about finding out whether UM freshmen are guaranteed dorm space even if they decide to attend in April. I was told 'yes' on the phone by someone in admissions, but haven't found anything on the website to that effect.</p>

<p>Which dorm isn't that important from what I hear, because the 'freshman dorms' of Stanford and Hecht, where I assume late decision-makers would be placed, are supposed to be cool places to make lots of friends & are centrally located.</p>

<p>What have you found out in this regard?</p>

<p>I have seen in several places that freshman are required to live on campus unless they (their parents) live within a close distance to the school. Don't worry about that!</p>

<p>Mishdoob1- you're not the only one who hasn't gotten it. I got the decision on EASY but haven't gotten a letter yet. It also doesn't help that my mailman doesn't come until 7-8pm... talk about frustration! I friend of mine got her letter on Sat. and got a 1/2 tuition... she's already accepted somewhere else and isn't even considering Miami anymore.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Islandin- Yes very exciting. D definitely wants to go out of state to a large private school with a film major and in a big city. So UM fits the bill nicely. Still waiting to here from a number of other schools though. She's a semifinalist for the Emory Scholars program and hoping to hear from USC in the next few weeks. Hopefully we'll have some tough choices to make. How about your D?</p>

<p>jnm123: Yeah, D is waiting to hear from several.. I forgot!@! I did see your D made Emory Scholar semi-finalist!! What an honor. You must be so thrilled! Funny, D applied to several so-called "ivy - like" schools as well as an ivy but one in particular has been her dream since childhood. Unfortunately there will be no merit assisstance there and she is smart enough to know that she can attend any of the schools she selected, be happy and learn as much) and then attend graduate school (for a lot less money) at her dream school.. She has REALLY become interested in a small liberal arts school she applied to. They have really shown a lot of personal interest in her and she is flattered and likes everything she has heard so far (we have also viewed the video which was informative). It is my feeling (and I could be wrong - I often am) but I get the feeling that if they offer her enough money to make it reasonable that will be her choice. She is up for the "full ride" there so we are REALLY praying that that will come through for her.. if it does I think she will have made her decision. A good one I think : )<br>
With regard to the dorms.. I, too, was told that all freshman are required to live on campus (unless their parents live in close proximity to the school). I think we are safe there. I was very impressed by Miami's package and flattered that they offered D the scholarship money.. they are definitely still in the running. But I haven't put the bumper sticker on the car...yet!</p>

<p>Sorry, jnm123: what a day I am having I meant to address both you and dhm but got the names mixed up.. LOL! I better quit posting while I am ahead.. messed up two already today <face red="" with="" embarrassment=""></face></p>

<p>I got my letter today! I got the 1/3 scholarship which pales in comparisson to some of yours, but well, I guess I'm dumb. UofMiami isn't my first choice(or even my third) but it is certainly good to know that I now have the ability to go to a decent school.</p>

<p>Anyone know when we'll get the financial aid info? I was told that there are additional departmental awards that are given out but I'm not sure when. Ideas?</p>

<p>I can stop stalking the mailman....The packet arrived today!
Was really glad to see that I got the Ashe 3/4 tuition too - although I fit the criteria, one never knows... :) </p>

<p>The whole packet is very welcoming - next step will be to visit!</p>

<p>When are you visiting? I'm flying down in about two weeks for a quick-visit-all-my-Florida school type visit.</p>

<p>i have a 1340 right now...i took the jan. sat, but i dont know if that will count for scholarships...they say the minimum for 1/2 scholarship is a 1350...are they at all lenient on this?</p>

<p>^Did you read my post?</p>

<p>I only got a 1300 and they gave me the 1/2 schollie. Oh, and my dad works with a lady who went to the U and she said Eaton is easily the best dorm on campus. Not sure if it's open to freshmen though.</p>

<p>oh, sorry, i didnt...but that answers my question...thanks andrew</p>

<p>hmm...i got admitted and saw the acceptance both online and by mail. but the package didn't say anything about scholarship. it also said that i must send in something for formal acceptance. what does that mean?? also, when i click on the financial aid section on EASY, it told me to check back again on Feb 1. but a lot of people already have their scholarship decision mailed to them! what's wrong?</p>

<p>Did you look through your whole package? The top acceptance letter in package didn't say anything about a scholarship, but futher into the packet was a certificate with D's name on it and the type and amount of scholarship along with another sheet stipulating the conditions of the scholarship.</p>

<p>vanillaice- what are you stats? Also, if you clearly qualify then call the admissions office and see what the deal is.</p>

<p>vanilla....i think i remembered seeing something about international students being different or needing to do something else or something, but im not sure, that might be a reason</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I'm an RD applicant/ international student and mail takes forever to come I called the Admssions office and they said they had already made a decision on my application and it should be on it's way in the mail....But I'm so glad to read your posts about EASY b/c when I asked them if I could access a decision online, one person told me no, and another yes...I guess it just depends who you talk to.
Anyway- when I sign in I have the letter.."it's great to be a Miami Hurricane" then the list of things to do...apply for housing, meal plan etc.... so I guess it's an acceptance.
I didn't get that banner that everyone keeps talking about; it must depend on when they update the account...but overall I think it seems like a good sign for me ;)</p>