AP scores in Degree Works Yet?

<p>In the new catalog it shows the following, so I was wondering why they didn’t show her credits for EN102.</p>

<p>If both English AP tests are completed 3 EN 101 & EN 102 6 FC</p>

<p>OOPS…missed that one!
This is the exact copy from the catalog for the AP exams: </p>

<p>English Language 3 EN 101 3 FC
English Language 4 EN 101 & EN 102 6 FC
English Literature 3 EN 101 3 FC
English Literature 4 EN 101 & EN 102 6 FC
If both English AP tests are completed 3 EN 101 & EN 102 6 FC
If both English AP tests are completed 4 EN 101, EN 102 & TRGS HU 9 FC</p>

<p>So she is missing the 3 credits for En 102. I better get her to call them and get it corrected. Thanks!</p>

<p>My scores are in Degreeworks! Question: Is the number that is displayed the score we got on the AP exam or is it just the minimum score we could get to gain credit?</p>

<p>I emailed the registrar and they have my credits shown. I have 35 credits and under classification it says sophomore. Is this going to affect my registration process? i.e. if I wanted to switch into another UH 155 class, is it going to let me?</p>

<p>Are anyone else’s foreign language AP credits not showing up in DegreeWorks? All of my other AP scores have been plugged in, but my German credits are nowhere to be seen.</p>

<p>BamaGirl: If I understand your question, you are referring to the number to the left of the date (like summer 2012)? If so, that number refers to the number of credit hours they are giving you. If that isn’t what you are talking about, let me know. DS has his mailed scores and the DegreeWorks info, so I can compare.</p>

<p>Yes that is what I’m talking about. Thank you! And I haven’t received my scores in the mail yet so I was just wondering if that was my actual score on Degreeworks, but thank you for clearing that up. It is just the credit hours like you said.</p>

<p>My daughters 3 English Lit and Comp credits are not showing. The 6 credits from English Lang and Comp last year are showing as Eng 101 & Eng 102, but the additional 3 humanities credits from this year are not. </p>

<p>Is anyone’s showing all 9 credits?</p>

<p>My son only took Eng Lit this year, and that is not showing for him either. But I am not sure if it is because they do not have them, or he did not put UA down to receive them. Of course, we have not received his scores in the mail either. So the 3rd choice is that something is screwed up with his AP score identification…</p>

<p>D received her AP scores in the mail today and had scores sent to Alabama but they are still not posted in Degree Works. I am thinking not everyone’s degree works was updated today.</p>

<p>Sniner, yes my son’s are showing up. 9 credits.</p>

<p>AP Lit is the one we are having problems with too. It shows as a completed course, but the credits are showing as 0. My D called the registrar and the guy she talked to said the course is listed on her transcript in her MyBama account. We checked the transcript and it is there, but still says 0 credits. If it isn’t updated by next week I will have her call back.</p>

<p>Our 3 AP Lit credits are not showing up anywhere including the transcript. I sure hope a phone call will fix it.</p>

<p>Well, D’s AP credits aren’t showing up at all. It shows the last audit was today, but I don’t see any changes.</p>

<p>if your credits are not showing up, email the university registrar and they will “refresh” your page.</p>

<p>My AP scores are in degree works now, but I’ve got a question. What happens if the credit amount is higher than the 45 credit limit shown on the University of Alabama website?</p>

<p>Does anyone know if AP credit for HIST 101 and 102 should count towards the depth study requirements? My S’s credits are showing for the History credits but not for the depth study credit.</p>

<p>D’s scores came yesterday, and are already posted to Degree Works. She was so glad she got the scores she wanted, so her schedule doesn’t need to be changed.</p>

<p>DS got a 4 on Ap Latin (Vergil) which I <em>thought</em> was now = to 11 credits, but Degreeworks is only showing 9. Anybody else have this problem? Or did I misunderstand something?</p>