<p>I'm female 5'4" 150 lbs (i know they don't take that into consideration)
psat score of 197
gpa 4.375
rank 13/307
basketball for 3 yrs, varsity for 1
softball for 3 yrs, varsity for 3
ambassador at my school
in chamber choir
a few other extra curricular activities</p>
<p>94 percentile for my PSAT. My ACT was a composite of 26 and that was my first time to ever take it. No courses or anything. I got a 30 in the english, but a 24 in math. 28 on writing portion. 25 or 26 on the other stuff I think.</p>
<p>think i'll get in?
I applied a bit less than a week ago. When will I know if I did or did not get accepted? and how will I know? I'm really anxious</p>
<p>Also about the CFA...
I'm in pretty good shape. Our basketball pre season is harder than a lot of local colleges. I'm pretty much all muscle but not like bulky. I'm definitely going to prepare for the cfa. any tips? think i'll be alright?</p>
<p>btw... my bro is a 1st LT in the Army. He's currently in Iraq</p>
<p>from what i’ve read about you, you should be a shoe-in to the SLS and remember thats more difficult (accepts less people) than the actual academy. but then again, they do a mediocre job reviewing the SLS apps- if an app meets all minimums, they submit you.</p>
<p>“but then again, they do a mediocre job reviewing the SLS apps -if an app meets all minimums, they submit you.”</p>
<p>If candidates meet the minimum requirements they are eligible to compete for an SLS slot, but that does not mean that Admissions does a mediocre job of selecting candidates.
Almost 50 percent of SLS attendees join the next class in the Corps of Cadets, so I would say their selection criteria are pretty good…</p>
<p>I’m not sure if they use a weight standard for SLS (the web page only says you must be “in good physical health”) but for USMA admissions, they most certainly do.</p>
<p>At 5’4" / 150 lbs, I believe you are 5 lbs OVER the limit.</p>
<p>when i applied i had exceptional leadership, service, community, athletics, grades - prolly among some of the best, however all i had taken at the time was the psat and i fluked on it. they didnt let me in because my psat reading was 45. what i was trying to say was that they miss alot of the people that they shouldnt for stupid reasons. ive got my trip qual letter from usma and am expecting an appointment next week after they process my nomination</p>
<p>“they miss alot of the people that they shouldnt for stupid reasons”</p>
<p>No -not stupid at all. USMA admissions has far more qualified candidates apply for SLS than they can accommodate, so they only select from those who meet the minimum requirements.</p>
<p>NCRC4, it seems there were kids with exceptional leadership, service, community, athletics, grades -"among some of the best of the best " who didn’t fluke on their past/SATs. </p>
<p>Congratulations for your nomination and being triple Q’d.</p>
<p>The bottom line really is to understand that if you are not selected for SLS it does not mean that you will not receive an appointment. SLS is a wonderful opportunity, but it is limited to a small percentage of well qualified candidates.</p>
<p>However, it does highlight the competitive nature of the USMA admissions process - for the most part candidates compete with each other, based on the strength of their file (whole candidate score), for a cadetship. Whether a candidate gets in or not often depends on the strength of the competition in their area. What is good enough in one area may not be good enough in another. </p>
<p>NCRC4 - Did you receive a Principal Nomination? </p>
<p>What I heard from my ALO was that they simply look at PSAT scores—if you score above a 65 on each section you get to go. Although I received a commended score on my PSAT, I was rejected from SLS since I got a 61 on the reading section. The good news, though, is that even if you get rejected from SLS, you can still receive an appointment to the academy. They look at your SAT scores, and above a 650 on each section, according to my ALO, qualifies you as “admissible”.</p>
<p>check other sources. i know that what you repeat from your alo is not true for several people i have seen go through both the sls sort, and the appointment process. high scores surely help, but there is much more to the deliberation.</p>
<p>The 65 requirement on the PSAT didn’t work for my son. He submitted his SLS application on December 16th, and received his acceptance letter dated December 17th. Although his math PSAT was a 69 and his reading a 68, his writing portion was only a 60, so they weren’t all above 65. Maybe the average?</p>
<p>They might just be looking at the Math and Reading scores. My math was above 65, but reading wasn’t. I know for the admission process, they don’t look at writing at all or just started this year.</p>
<p>hey, i got 45 on my psat, but i was still accepted to SLS. maybe they took into account that english is my 5th language, but in any case it proved that there is no cut-off score for anything.</p>
<p>I feel blessed…i heard very quickly about my acceptance for the SLS…i had great SAT scores and a high GPA, so that probably helped…i can’t wait to see if it’s everything I’m hoping it will be…anyone else from TX heard of their acceptance ???</p>