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@Seirsly‌ can you tell me about the class size at purdue? Like…The no. of students per class? And how difficult it is to approach profs there? Thanks :smiley:


FYE classes (Calc, Chem, Physics etc) are typically very large lectures (~100-300 per lecture). Math and science classes have ~30 people recitations. Lab sections might have even less. Once you get into your upper level classes, the class sizes decrease (my classes are around 60-80 people?)

I’ve loved all of my professors so far. They always have office hours (that usually aren’t very crowded unless it’s the day before homework is due), and you can usually set up appointments if the office hours don’t work and you give plenty of notice. Some are crabbier than others, but again, I’ve never had a problem with professors. Just remember to be polite and respectful and try your hardest in class. If you skip classes and don’t do homework, the professors are less likely to be 110% helpful.

@Seirsly‌ thanks a lot man!

In Engineering, do you have to build anything with your hands?
I have very poor motor functions.

@Seirsly‌ dude, could you tell me about the research opportunities available to undergrads… Also, something about the job and internship prospects for internationals… Are they different for internationals?.. I’m an Indian student…


What major? Electrical Engineering does a lot of circuits/breadboards, so very hands on. We set up lab experiments, do surveying, and mix our own concrete in Civil.

Joining project teams is vital for getting internships imo, and is very hands on (putting together a bridge, making a concrete canoe, making a robot). Though you could always just stay on the “technical” or programming side of things (do the design/ programming, have other people do the building for you).


My friends and I got research positions just by asking some of our professors. It helps if the professor likes you though.

It’s harder to get an internship as an international because of all the paperwork and visa stuff. Also I don’t think you’re allowed to work on certain government projects (national security and all that). That being said, it is possible. During career fairs and such there are information booklets that say which company can hire internationals.

^That hands on stuff sounds very interesting, especially the robot part.

If I go for Engineering, it would be Nuclear.

@Seirsly‌ forgot to tag


Oh. I only have one friend who is a Nuc. E. I haven’t heard how hands on it is though.

@Seirsly‌ thanks man!

Your welcome. Although, fyi, I am a girl. xD

Good luck bro.

@Seirsly‌ ohh damn! :stuck_out_tongue: thanks!

@Seirsly‌ how are the students in engineering? Mostly meritorious or party type? Or a good balance of both? Also, is the workload too much? Thanks :slight_smile:


There’s a wide variety of people in engineering. Plenty party and plenty do not.

I don’t think the work load is horrible. I have plenty of time to sleep, eat, play online, do homework, etc. It’s all about your work ethic though.

I just want to second seirsly’s comments:

I’m going into my last semester of college and have never pulled an all nighter. I have plenty of time to do well in my classes, sleep, and go out on weekends. It’s not really the quantity of work that I find difficult/time consuming. If you understand things easily, it’s not that bad.

@Seirsly‌ is it difficult for indian students to maintain a high GPA at purdue? :slight_smile:

@iliveinmumbai Depends.

Do you cheat? Do you procrastinate? Do you prioritize parties, drugs, and booze over books? Do you skip classes?

Or do you do your own homework assignments and lab reports. Are you proactive in your studies? Do you prioritize learning?

I wouldn’t say indians have a harder or easier time with getting good grades. It’s all very dependent on the individual.

@Seirsly‌ thanks :slight_smile: btw, which hall do comp engin students live in? Do they get a single room or do they share with a roommate?

@iliveinmumbai‌ Have you accepted yet? Did you sign up for a learning community?

You can live wherever you really want. Most dorms are double rooms (2 to a room).

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