Ask questions about Purdue here.

@Seirsly I haven’t yet accepted, but will do so shortly. I will sign up for EPICS, IDEAS, and Network most probably

@Seirsly what I meant was which hall is the engineering faculty closest to…I don’t wanna travel much within campus… :stuck_out_tongue:

Some learning communities will have a floor/ dorm that most of the members live in.

If you’re a guy, then Cary is the closest to the ENGR buildings, but unless you get a suite, the rooms kind of suck.

If you’re a girl, Owen is the next closest, but it doesn’t have AC and I’m not a fan of the rooms.

You should be able to go on virtual tours online through the link I provided before.

There are buses that take you from McCutcheon, Harrison, Earhart, Shreve, and/or First Street Towers to the Engineering buildings and back very easily. And the campus isn’t too big, I walk to the southwest dorms to the PMU and back very often and it takes like maybe 10 minutes. Also walking is good for you!

Does Purdue give need-based grants for OOS student?
Thanks for answering.

@Seirsly hahaha I’m a guy. Thanks for the detailed response XD

how are the students at purdue/krannert compared to others? are they pretty stressed out all the time or pretty laid back or always want to party? is everyone pretty focused on their schoolwork? what’s the smallest class size you guys have ever had at purdue? how’s the climate?

I’ve heard the climate’s pretty bad for about 4-5 months… Like too cold…

Climate (based on most recent years):
January: really snowy, really cold (5-30 degrees F)
February: see January, sometimes even snowier
March: probably still snowy, but less cold (20-50 degrees F)
April: rainy, but warmer (40-60 degrees F)
May: warm and sunny, maybe rainy (60-80 degrees F)
June: warmer and sunny (70-90 degrees F)
July: really hot, humid (80-90 degrees F)
August: even hotter, even more humid (80-100 degrees F)
September: cooler, rainy (60-80 degrees F)
October: definitely getting colder, could be rainy (40-60 degrees F)
November: cold, light snow is possible (20-40 degrees F)
December: could be cold and snowy or mild, it really depends (5-30 or 20-40 degrees F)

Smallest Class: 11 (Spanish)
Biggest Class: ~150 (Biology)

What area is colder, Lafayette or Madison? I’m not really used to the cold and I have a fair chance of getting into UW Madison so the weather would be a pretty important factor in choosing. Which would have the better climate overall?

@SameerHussain Although I’ve never been there, UW Madison should be colder since its further north. Wisconsin tends to get a lot of snow, too. However, cold is cold and if you wear a coat, gloves, and hat/scarf you’ll be fine in any non-extreme temperatures.

Edit: I should mention that it’s probably not significantly colder…just a little.

Anyone get an invite to honors college or know when they come out? Same for scholarships.

@fjgh45 Daughter is still hoping and waiting for an honors invite and scholarship offer. She said the website says something about “by February 15” on the financial aid page. It is hard to be patient.

@Seirsly @runner019 I’ve been admitted for Fall 2015. But, is there a way to start taking classes in the summer? I am an international applicant and had taken a gap year. Thanks :slight_smile:

I have a couple of questions.

If I decide to attend Purdue, what sort of workload can I expect as a Biochemistry (Chemistry) major? Compared to my current senior schedule (roughly 5 hours of homework per night) will I find it hard to adjust? Any tips for transitioning over to college? I plan on going to medical school so a 4.0 GPA is very important to me.

Thanks in advance :smile:

@iliveinmumbai My guess is that you can’t take classes earlier than the fall term because that’s how you were admitted, but you might want to call the admissions office and ask them.

Thanks @runner019 that’s what I did :slight_smile:

What’s the download/upload limit for Purdue Internet?

16GB/ day

@Seirsly Do VPNs work?

Does anyone have any sort of answer for my questions (page 5, #73)? :slight_smile: It would be greatly appreciated. I also thought of another one: Can one bring a personal router for the dorm rooms?