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Sorry, I don’t remember. That was around 4 years ago.

So you graduating this fall?:open_mouth: @Seirsly

I’m pretty sure I got an email about it when I foundout what dorm I got. But like Seriusly it was 4 years ago


No, I graduate in May 2016 due to being in the 5 term co-op program.

@Seirsly‌ what’s that? I thought you’re in civil engineering… And that’s a four year program…
Can u decide to be in a five year program?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Because she is doing a 5 term co-op, she’ll be working approximately 22 months and graduating with BS in Civil engineering. It requires that you either work or have classes nearly continuously for 5 years. She will have 8 semesters of class time just like any engineering student. She will only be charged for the semesters/ summers she is attending class (with the exception of a modest co-op fee). The co-ops tend to pay pretty well. All in all a very good opportunity for a hardworking ambitious student.

@ivvcsf thanks man…so… Do you get selected for it or do you choose to do it?

You apply fo the program and the positions through the Office of Professional Practice. As I mentioned in another thread I don’t know how this works with international students because I don’t know the laws concerning what a student visa entitles you to do while in school. If one is interested in a 5 session co-op it’s best to begin that process the first semester of your freshman year since you’ll be interviewing in the spring. You must complete the First Year Engineering program with at least 3.0 and get accepted into the engineering program correlating the the position received. It is not guaranteed that one will find a position. A lot depends on the applicant and the demand for co-ops at the time you apply.

Can a 3 session co-op student graduate in 4 years?

It looks like it is designed to be a 5 year program. You would start after your sophomore year. Unlike the 5 term co-op you would not have to go to school in the summer to make up any semesters. As to whether or not credits from AP courses or attending school in the summer would make it possible to finish in 4-4 1/2 years, you would have to check with office of Professional Practice. I am guessing not since they don’t mention it on their site.

1)Are internships better than co-op?
2)How long are internships? Like how many months?
3)Can we do multiple internships? like sophomore+Junior+Senior years.
4)When do we do internships? Like summer or winter or during school days?

I don’t know much about internships. In my opinion co-ops are better than internships if your goal is to get a job in your field directly after completing your undergraduate degree. The work experience is with a company working directly in your field and doing work that one in that field would do. On the whole I think the pay is better too. If you intend to continue your education then I don’t know that the benefit would be as great. Perhaps there are others who can speak to the benefits of internships.

I wanna do MS.

I believe the OPP handles internships too.

By the way, I’m not an engineer just the father of an engineering sophomore doing a 5 term co-op who has just completed their first term. My advice is worth what you paid for it:) good luck.


Co-ops are “better” than internships in that you get more responsibility every time you return, and they’re usually guaranteed (don’t need to reapply, reinterview every year).

Internships are usually over the summer, so around 3 months each (usually start mid may, end early ish august)

Yes, you can do one every summer if you like and get offers. They are very competitive though.

If you want to get a Masters, I would recommend getting a few internships if you can, then work in research a summer or two and maybe do research during the semester as well. Research can count towards your tech electives requirements if you do it for credits, or you can get paid for working as a lab assistant.

I know a girl who did a 5 term coop in civil and still graduated in 4 years. She arranged it so that 3 of her rotations were summers so she did 2 back to back ones in addition to the 3 summers. She’s also crazy smart and did like 17-18 credit semesters all the time and started off ahead in math. So is coop in 4 years possible? Yes. Common? Absolutely not.

@Seirsly‌ @runner019 is there something like a full sem internship? In the 3rd year or something?

It’s not common. If you want to do a co-op (working an “internship” during a semester) at Purdue I think you need to do the 5-term or 3 term option. You could always ask the OPP.

You’d also have to find a company that hires interns during the semester.