Batten down the hatches

<p>^^^Thank you. Glad her boys are safe. Hope she rides out the storm okay. I know a lot of students who have family throughout the state must be worried sick about them. Prayers for all.</p>

<p>So sad to hear the reports from Tuscaloosa. While today’s news is very sad, in the coming days and months I’m certain the news will be full of heartwarming stories of neighbors helping neighbors deal with grief, clean-up and rebuilding. </p>

<p>I have lived in tornado alley (Oklahoma and Texas) all my life. I have found that communities pull together and emerge stronger than ever following tragedy. No doubt that UA students will rally in support of the community.</p>

<p>I am proud that my DS will be there in the fall !</p>

<p>Thanks robotbldmom! I’m just catching up on my “usual” weather sites and saw that Huntsville hadn’t had a good day.</p>

<p>James Spann just mentioned at least 100 people being treated at the DCH emergency room in Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>I am grateful to those of you who are Facebook friends, keep up the postings and let’s continue keeping the information highway open.</p>

<p>May all of our sons and daughters be safe throughout the next days.</p>

<p>The UA home page has current info: Classes are cancelled tomorrow.
Here is the link to more info: [Weather</a> Advisory - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>I don’t have regular television but have found <a href=“[/url]”></a>.</p>

<p>I can watch James Spann and local Alabama news. Thought some of you might want the local perspective.</p>

<p>It sounds like UA came out in good shape, although I know DS is still in the downstairs hallway of Lakeside without electricity.</p>

<p>Praying for safety for all and a peaceful night ahead.</p>

<p>The Weather Channel is airing video shot from the UA basketball arena by someone from the athletic department. incredible!</p>

<p>We all need to continue praying for those in the tornado’s path. I think this is gonna turn out worse than we even originally thought. I’ve heard of several people who’s children are missing due to their off campus apartments getting leveled.</p>

<p>Former UA football player Shannon Brown is one who currently cannot locate his daughter Loryn (UA student) after her apartment was destroyed. Please keep her and the family in your prayers.</p>

<p>OMG…I did see a report on another site that the fatality rate would increase once they begin searching these areas.</p>

<p>My heart goes out to the entire state of Alabama…</p>

<p>Oh my, I’m praying for everyone! We just had the nicest time with three members of the UA staff here in Hawaii. Not sure when they were going to be headed home. I can’t imagine being so far away with your whole family over there. Hope they are safe! So glad to hear that all of your children are okay!</p>

<p>There are students who are left homeless and are being sheltered in the Rec Center. I just put out an appeal to my son and friends to bring extra clothing and unused toiletries down there (do not expect clothing back). If everyone pitches in that should help. I am sure that the university will take care of food issues but maybe if each kid could spare a few dollars it might also help those students. Ask if they need to make phone calls home (their cell phone may be lost/damaged) your students could possibly share. Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>I am sitting here in Boston wondering how I can help. Certainly, I will be down in late May for Bama Bound and will do everything I can to support the local economy. Beyond that, what can I do now to help the University, the students, and the local residents of Tuscaloosa? I feel so attached to this community, yet I have only been there once.</p>

<p>I remember being on campus for an event last year not long after a natural disaster had happened somewhere in the world (I can’t for the life remember which one, I think the earthquake in Haiti but my brain is on overload) and Dean Sharpe talked about how a student had walked into the Honors College the next day and asked what their response would be and how could she help.</p>

<p>The UA community is strong & with all the already established philanthropic organizations and expertise already in place, I’m sure that by the end of the day we’ll be hearing about ways that the university is reaching out to help the community both practically and financially. </p>

<p>Just saw Jim Cantore on the Weather Channel in Tuscaloosa. Up to 32 confirmed fatalities & 600 hospitalized.</p>

<p>Lord have mercy. The news footage is unbelievable.</p>

<p>I can’t think of anything else to say except Lord have mercy.</p>

<p>I can’t even imagine… thoughts and prayers are with y’all. Glad everyone’s kids are safe.
Roll Tide</p>

<p>Tuscaloosa is in our prayers. NJBama had a premonition when he posted this. </p>

<p>Our family spent the night in the basement. Large hail and tornados touched down everywhere in East TN with 13 dead and most county schools closed today.</p>

<p>For those of you who have any interest in the scientific aspects of weather, yesterday was a day that will be in meteorology textbooks going forward. As bad as it is/was, the tools that have been developed and the ability to warn people ahead of time without a doubt saved thousands of lives yesterday.</p>

<p>NJBama is a great guy :wink: but he’s not psychic. I’m sure he had been reading a lot of the concern about the ripening atmospheric conditions that were coming together to literally make a textbook tornado outbreak. There is a number that is calculated to assign a tornado risk to any area at any given time. One version is called the STP (Severe Tornado Parameter.) Anything over a 2 is considered a significant risk. Yesterday at 1:30pm, they were around 6 in Central AL, but went up to about 8 or 9. Mets were saying they went up to 10. Last night when I was watching James Spann streaming, I believe he said that the actual values during the outbreak were really at about 12-15. Mets didn’t even know they could go that high because they never had before. </p>

<p>They’re calling this a generational outbreak. Lord have mercy, indeed.</p>

<p>My prayers and thoughts are with you all. </p>

<p>I’ve read through this entire thread and I’m feeling anxious as there hasn’t been any news from mom2collegekids. Has anyone heard from her?</p>

<p>UA is my son’s first choice and he can’t wait to apply this summer. The devastation that we’re seeing on the news is almost too much for us. I can only imagine what it’s like for those who have family and loved ones there, and for the people who experienced the tornado first hand. </p>

<p>The Red Cross is probably the best organization to donate to at the moment. My son is going to ask the service project director at his school if he can start a drive to raise money for the community. </p>

<p>Again, our prayers are with you all!</p>

<p>From post #80:


<p>But bamamomof3 hasn’t checked in again…I think a lot of Huntsville is without power, but please let us know when you get a chance :)</p>

<p>^^^yes, I will post again if you missed it, that Mom2ck and kids are safe, just out of power.</p>

<p>Everyone, if you are traveling to T-Town, please be careful.</p>

<p>Thank God! Thanks for filling me in. </p>

<p>It’s crazy, I’ve never met any of you but I feel a connection nonetheless.</p>