Batten down the hatches

<p>My heartfelt thoughts and prayers to all of you. Many of you have been so helpful to my questions about 'Bama for my junior daughter that I feel like I know you. When DD heard about devastation she texted me asked how we could help. My response: prayers, lots of prayers. Please let those of us who are out of state what we can do to best help…</p>

<p>Am very glad the admin made the decision to cancel finals. I’m sure having as many students leave the city as soon as they can will help easy the already overwhelmed resources.</p>

<p>Heartfelt prayers for the CC Alabama community members and everyone affected by these terrible storms!</p>

<p>… Loryn Brown did not make it. </p>

<p>God Bless the Brown family and all the other families who have lost loved ones to this horrific storm.</p>

<p>… Sending continued prayers to all those suffering.</p>

<p>Alabama families. You are all in my thoughts as you struggle to get through this horrible and overwhelming disaster.</p>

<p>there are a lot of us pulling for you all. Sending prayers for all.</p>

<p>Yesterday afternoon, my d was making her final decision between two schools. She chose Alabama. Then I got on the internet and came to this site to announce. I never did because I then found out about the devastating damage. My daughter is still going to be going to U of Al in August (and actually earlier to for BamaBound) but we have so much sadness about all the destruction. I will be donating just as soon as I finish this message.</p>

<p>So deeply saddened by the destruction and loss of life in this area. I have a Junior in HS who had been looking at Alabama for Film. He had already decided that this might not be the program or school for him (he is the most anti-football kid you can imagine), but we were willing to reconsider if he makes NMSF in the fall. However, I am not sure I could deal with the stress of the tornado threat down there. This just scares me to death!Prayers for all of the families dealing with this.</p>

<p>Such sad news. What’s the best source for up to date Tuscaloosa news? </p>

<p>OOS parents (or parents to be:) Please understand that this event was an anomaly of historic proportions. It is NOT typical of weather in AL and Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>My heart is broken for all of the people who have lost loved ones. I can’t stop crying.</p>

<p>RobD, thank you for your comments, I hope that people do understand that this was a rare occurrence and that the chance of something so destructive happening again soon is highly unlikely. </p>

<p>As for my son and myself, the support on this forum alone has only strengthened our desire for him to attend UA. You’re a fabulous group of people, it says so much for the university.</p>

<p>Right now, donations and prayers are the only thing that OOS supporters can do to ease the pain. </p>

<p>Best wishes to all!</p>

<p>This is just heartbreaking. My thoughts go out to the families & friends and your students who are coping with this. njbama thanks for updating us, that is just devastating.</p>

<p>It’s nice to know m2ck is on the scene.</p>

<p>Here are several sites that I have come across in the last 24 hours:</p>

<p>I’ve posted a few before, others have posted some, but will repost here to have all in one location: Many have FB pages and that is a good way to get the latest updates:</p>

<p>[ABC</a> 33/40 - Birmingham News, Weather, Sports - Home](<a href=“]ABC”>
[</a> | The Tuscaloosa News | Tuscaloosa, AL](<a href=“]”>
/<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>FB specific pages with updates on relief efforts:
Toomer’s for Tuscaloosa
Magic City Mom
University of Alabama - Undergraduate Admissions</p>

<p>One note of caution, again as a Katrina survivor, especially once your kids get home, don’t have the coverage on 24/7…they – and you – will need the break.</p>

<p>Blessings and prayers to all!</p>

<p>My son is looking for a ride to Atlanta, and will return to campus next week to clean and empty out his room when the power is restored. He lives in Blount dorm. You can call me at 214-683-6352.</p>

<p>how long do they think until they get power back. can’t move out and clean very well with no electricity.</p>

<p>Alabama Gov is scheduled for a news conference shortly … </p>

<p>[Live</a> Video - FOX 6 News -](<a href=“”> just said they would carry it live.</p>

<p>Mike, </p>

<p>They haven’t announced anything yet. I used to work for an electric utility in LA and in cases like this they usually give very long estimates… but with all those poles down it could be a very long time, but it all depends where the feeder lines come in from vs where lines are down. I also saw several large 250 KV lines down … not sure exactly where. </p>

<p>I’m thinking that the university will just want to get students out of dodge ASAP …
again nothing official, but just from experience in NOLA.</p>

<p>DS is giving blood right now in Northport. He said they have a bus set up in front of Northridge fitness. He and several of his buddies are donating. He’s been in line for over an hour. Said there is a huge crowd of people there to give. Way to go people of Tuscaloosa trying to help one another.</p>

<p>I’ve spoken with my son twice today. Once, he and a friend were dining on PopTarts in his Ridgecrest West suite. He didn’t have any power but tried to remain upbeat.</p>

<p>Then, I called him about 20 minutes ago. He and one of his suite mates were near Birmingham. They planned to spend the afternoon with his suite mate’s family before heading back to campus. </p>

<p>This was a somber day, he said. While some friends from home called or e-mailed to check on him, another called to let him know that one of the kids who went to HS with him had passed away. This young man was one of my students. So it has not been a great day here in rural Virginia.</p>

<p>Any updates from Huntsville? I am only getting forwarded to voicemail when I call family there. They are near Pulaski Pike and near Oakwood University.</p>