<p>I just looked at the grades for our S for this semester: withdrew (while failing); F (24% on final); F (0% on final); D (55% on final). This is at a community college, and comes after he swore to us that he was sick of his friends thinking he was stupid and lazy and was really going to try hard this semester. </p>
<p>Part of the agreement that allowed him to move back home was that he enroll in school and do well. I hate to kick him out (again) but I am at a complete loss as to how to handle this. </p>
<p>I'm just so upset that I can't stand it. We've tried everything- tough love, unconditional love, bribery, threats, etc. And I haven't even gotten to the other issues like driving constantly on a suspended license, drug arrests, etc.</p>
<p>The drug arrest and suspended license came after a visit to a state flagship to visit friends where he tried to buy a half pound of pot to sell, but through incredible luck managed to just get nabbed for simple possession because he never took possession of the package and it wasn't directly addressed to him. </p>
<p>In the past he has lost jobs because there was a party and he couldn't find someone to work for him so he just wouldn't show up. He is not quite as irresponsible these days but there isn't much difference.</p>
<p>He missed 3 weeks of classes this Spring because he HAD to go back to the state flagship to appear in court on the various drug charges, then get his confiscated drug money returned. In each case he could have come home by riding the bus and only missed 1 day of class, but always had some excuse like he couldn't get a ride to the bus station etc. Plus, he was going to get notes from friends and it wouldn't hurt him at all to miss class. </p>
<p>We've sent him to 2 different substance abuse counselors/psychiatrists and both said he was just experimenting and didn't have a problem, even though it was negatively impacting his life in a major way (eg lost jobs, bad grades etc). Because of that, and because everyone thinks he is just the most polite and greatest kid, DW and I feel like it is us against the world and that nobody will listen. We tell the grandparents not to enable him and then they do stuff like pay his car insurance, and give him a car etc. </p>
<p>I'm literally at the end of my rope and am physically sick much of the time, as well as seriously depressed (thank God for anti-depressive drugs, or I would probably be in a mental home instead of just bordering on it <wry grin="">).</wry></p>