Binghamton Scholars Program Class of 2019

I went outside to check my mailbox and I found my acceptance to the binghamton scholars program. I was surprised because I did not think my stats were high enough for the program.

SAT: 2060 (CR 700 M 680 W 680)
SAT Subject Tests: LIT 720 M2 680 PHY 640
Currently taking 4 AP classes(will have taken 8 by graduation)
Ok ECs

If anyone else has been accepted, post and share your stats.

I was accepted today as well! Honestly I had never heard of the program before the letter but it seems pretty interesting should I end up at Binghamton.

SAT: 2160 (760 CR 700 M 700 W)
SAT Subject: German 580, Bio 650, US 690 Math 1 730 (Wouldn’t have submitted German and bio but I used the free score reports so didn’t have a choice for them)
3 APs by graduation
GPA: 94.4 UW, 99.7 W
Pretty good ECs in my opinion with multiple leadership positions and long-term involvement in others.

I think the aim is to encourage the strongest applicants to accept the offer. Congratulations!

I got in too.

Weighted GPA- 99.0
Sat: 2240 (770M, 730R, 740W)
Sat 2s: 750 Chem, 730 M1, 720 M2
9 APs.
Decent ECs

Congrats everyone.

Do you guys think these are sent on a rolling/random basis, or what? I have school mates who were accepted to the program yesterday, but I have not been. . . Does this mean I won’t be, or should I keep my hopes up?
(33 ACT, 98.5ish weighted GPA, 9 AP’s)

Out of curiosity, do you guys have to write an essay, or are you automatically in? It seems to have changed a lot from four years ago when I was a freshman-- I got an email a few months after my acceptance saying I was invited to apply by writing an essay. I think they said ~80 people were invited to apply, ~35 were picked for the program. Either way, congrats! Let me know if you have any specific questions.

Does the acceptance to the scholars program come in the same letter as your regular acceptance? My son received his acceptance letter to Harpur in the mail but no mention of scholars, so I assume that means he is not in. It’s not an issue for him because he is still leaning toward Stony Brook - he wants to major in physics. But I’m just curious about how it works. His SAT scores are good - 750 math, 750 cr, 710writing, but gpa a bit low - 93,0.5 weighted (don’t know unweighted). .

No, you do not need to write an essay anymore to be admitted to the scholars program. My daughter received her letter the other day and is considering it. Does anyone know how many students are accepted into the program each year?

Is it bad that I still haven’t received my decision (RD applicant)? I applied on like Dec 15th…and my status still says “complete ready for review.”

So does the scholars letter come separately from the regular acceptance letter to Binghamton?

My son was accepted back in December and received the Scholars invite yesterday. He didn’t have to write an essay. Had no idea about the program until yesterday.

I see. thank you

I got in too. Anyone have good info on it ? And do you have to stay in the scholars dorm?

Someone mentioned that four years ago only about 80 people were invited to be in the Scholars program. That surprises me. I got accepted to Binghamton but have not yet received my acceptance letter, so I don’t know yet whether I’ll hear from the Scholars program. However, it seems like it must be extremely selective if only about 80 people get in.

@lavalamp97: It may be that only 80 people attend with Scholars. The majority of people being offered Scholars are also being accepted to top schools, and a lot are turning down Binghamton, their safety.

I got both a letter and email saying that to guarantee my spot in Scholars, I have to respond by March 13 and after that they’ll be considered on a space-available basis. Is it possible to reserve my spot in the program without committing to Binghamton? I’d like to keep that option open, although I’m still waiting for other schools that won’t come until late March.

@jamesjunkers When they only offered to 80 people, it was at a time when they were sending out scholars offers in May, after people had decided where they were going to school. So they changed that around this year.

@rebeccar, If that’s the case, clearly I’m wrong. Thanks for clearing it up

@jaredstone4‌ That sounds frustrating. I think you should contact admissions about that.

I was accepted to Scholars as well. Also surprised due to lower than average stats.

SAT: 2060 (670 CR, 610 M, 780 W)
ACT: 31
GPA: W 98.7