Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

i just want to know so i can move forward with my life hahah

@liloandstitch hmm ok that must not be it then! There are a few reasons (his friends, gf, brother are here, it’s a more fun place to live), but the main one is that he is a mechanical engineering major and CP has a really strong program that is more hands on and project based, where Davis is very theoretical, has huge class sizes, and not very accessible professors. He is doing really well and learning a ton, he got a full ride there where he would have to take out loans at CP, and his rent is less than half what we are paying for rent in SLO. So there are definitely pros and cons. We all just want to find out so he can decide! The wait is torture

Just got an e-mail from admissions asking for me to correct possible inconsistencies with my supplemental application. I have until Tuesday, March 13 to do so. So I’m guessing we hear back next Friday?

BF just got the same email. He thinks he entered a class twice, bc he was not sure which category it fulfilled

I received the same email. I’ll have to look through and make sure everything up to date and correct.

I also got the same email, but I literally had a counselor do the entire thing for me and I know it’s all correct. I’m sure they are just sending it out to every transfer?

No. I havent received it. @simmonsashleigh

@simmonsashleigh Business admin, no email received.

weird, thank you guys for letting me know

@simmonsashleigh @t0pnotch yah i am with business admin. major too. So did they ask applicants depending on a major??

Has everyone who got the email lost all of the info they originally entered? My bf just got off the phone with admissions and they said he has to re enter everything, and they have no record of what he previously entered. She literally said “the system must have deleted everything”

it seems to be that if the supplemental app is appearing in your to-do-list that you might have gotten the email. could be the correlation but i’m not admissions counselor so idk

oh my gosh! yea i just spoke to admissions because mine is wiped clean too. there was a major glitch and a lot of supplementals got screwed. yikes

I guess that’s why they haven’t released admission decisions yet? I guess we’ll be waiting another full week after this (minimum).

Yeah. Mine was completely wiped out as well.

Business Admin (Concentration Entrepreneurship), I don’t have any emails, but my supplemental application showed up on my portal, but can’t edit(just view)

@ggcm831 No where lol I only applied to csun and cal poly and csun doesnt even consider you if you arent local and have under a 3.7. I reapplied to both again I have a higer gpa and every class done and an associates degree so im really hoping I can get into some where this time!

I did not get an e-mail asking me to re-do the supplemental application. I checked my supp. app. and everything I entered is still there. What a mess!

Shouldn’t we all get an option to redo the supplemental application if we wanted to fix a mistake? If someone made a mistake and then their application was erased they can correct whatever mistake they did in the first place.

Just filled out my supplemental application again after getting the email. Looked at my supplemental application an hour later and it’s empty. What’s going on?