Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

still pending (psych major and in-state)

I jumped when I saw @butternutsquash got in (congrats!), and immediately checked my portal, but nothing yet!

I am a Sociology major, btw.

thank you! maybe they are going down the majors alphabetically since i’m an art major? not sure! if someone else has heard anything, please let me know so i know it wasn’t a mistake haha

Hey everyone,

Business Admin (accountancy) major. I’ve been stressing over not seeing a decision posted on my portal after being accepted to every other college I planned to fall back on, and then I found this thread. Turns out I’m not the only one suffering through this slow and painful wait. Any updates?


@butternutsquash maybe no one from your major was affected from the supplemental question bug? So they were able to send out your major’s acceptances?

Who knows, but not decision yet for myself (business admin).

@butternutsquash Did you get an email or any notification or did you just check the portal? I’m going a lil crazy checking the portal

Still pending. Nutrition, in-state.

I haven’t heard back either (journalism)

Still pending, in-state, sociology 4.0gpa

@t0pnotch yeah that could definitely be it! i don’t know about any other art majors, but my supplemental app wasn’t affected at all. hopefully this means everyone will hear back in the next couple days??

@sjd890 i just happened to check my portal and saw the decision. i did get an e-mail though, just later. so you’ll get one eventually but your portal will probably update before you get the email.

So only one person heard back ?

Art and Design students always have acceptances that are a little off (timing wise) from the norm. especially if there is a portfolio review involved. I wouldn’t read into it because of that…

I’m still pending also, Business with Entrepreneurship Major

Pending, had to update the supplemental app. Business with a concentration in Accounting. Hope to start hearing some OCOB Transfer decisions starting this week :confused:

Nutrition Major and still pending as well.

@jlpfernandez hey. What are your stats? You’re I think the first nutrition transfer I’ve seen on here. Some freshman got in with a 3.76 so I’m hoping my 3.67 has a chance [-O<
Also saw some 4.0 nutrition freshmen get waitlisted tho so I have noooo idea what the logic is.

@ashprox my GPA isn’t all that great honestly. I have a 3.1. The only class I’m probably missing is an ECON class. I got waitlisted last year and decided to go to SJSU, but I am trying one more time to try and get into Cal Poly. Your chances are probably a lot higher than mine, and your GPA is above what the average admitted Nutrition transfers are. Which I believe is a 3.3. They probably look at transfers a bit different from Freshmen. Here’s the criteria for Nutrition transfers:

For everyone that had to redo the supplemental, was there a due date or did you all just do it just in case?

@sjd890 I heard it was Tuesday (3/13). So I assume we should all know by the end of next week?

@sjd890 So it’s today at 5PM Pacific Time