Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

What makes you think so?

@thatscoop They were answering the question on when the supplement app redo deadline is.

The supplemental application redo deadline is at 5pm PST to my knowledge. I’m not sure.

What do you guys think my chances are below /

GPA 3.38
Ad-T Business administration
Ad-T Economics
AA Social Behavior

MAJOR APPLIED FOR: Business Administration

Work study listed= 21+ hours
Extra curricular listed= 21+ hours

It has come to my attention that according to transfer counselors, they do NOT look at the local status. The whole local thing is BS.

@Charlie117 My stats and major are exactly the same as yours. I’m nervous hahah. The suspense is killing me.

@Charlie117 That is not correct.

Waattup Frens

Anyone trying to get in for Software Engineering?

My stats
GPA: 3.85
Prereqs: Done by Spring.

Finishing Diff Eq and Physics 3 this semster. I have A’s in all my CS classes (4 of them). Also I teach after-school programming classed at middle schools (11-15 hrs a week).

I applied out of high school (2016) but didn’t get in. Hopefully they’ll be nicer this time.

@jlpfernandez I live in SJ too! My fiancé currently goes to SJSU.

I have all the required but only two of the desired classes and one of them doesn’t articulate (but it’s basic human nutrition which SHOULD articulate but doesn’t
/:slight_smile: )

Good luck to you!! Hopefully I will be seeing you in the program!!! :slight_smile:

@Charlie117 Here are last year’s transfer stats:
The average GPA for a business major was 3.53, that being said your impressive list of associate degrees will be considered, no doubt you have a solid shot. But, the acceptance rate is probably going to be lower than last year’s 16%, so take these numbers as you will.
Best of luck!

@cstransfer123 I’m trying to get in for Computer Science, let me know if you hear anything

@jlpfernandez @ashprox I’m a nutrition major as well and I am dying to find out if I got in or not. I have a 3.8 and took all the desired courses. I was only able to take one major related course as my college only has one that articulates to SLO. Hopefully we all get in!

@ashprox @jlpfernandez did either of you have to redo your supplemental application?

Engineering Major - admission status is still pending.

I had to check/redo my supplemental as well.
It is due today, March 13 by 5 PM PST.

Hopefully we hear back within the week/beginning of next week!

You can use this link to see how many students got in from your CC

@samtamimi Does it mention Alan Hancock college in Santa Maria as well? They also receive preferred transfer admission

@samtamimi Nevermind. I see Hancock had 19 business admin admits


@samtamimi You need to specify the year in the search. For the 2016-2017 year there was 14 admits for business from Cuesta. The 167 is the total from 2008 to 2017.

@slotrees oops lmao

@samtamimi You misread the columns. The 167 number was over the course of a decade of data. Last year Hancock had 19 and Cuesta had 14 business admin transfers. Those numbers aren’t as overwhelming. Maybe locals just get a small GPA boost,