Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

Hello, new here. I am going crazy waiting for notification! Also applied to UCSB

Major: History
current college: Coastline Community College
IGETC/CSU: complete
Major Prep: one remaining course in progress
In-state, minimal EC, finishing 2 associates this spring: Arts & Humanities/History.

Holy crap! Nobody from my cc got in for business admin last year!

Does that site show the people admitted or the people that decided to go there??

samitamimi I don’t know for certain, I listed all courses I’ve taken

@sjd890 I think it shows the people that decided to enroll.

tommy949 it looks like for the years covered no one has ever been accepted from my CC for history (my major) and only 3 students total were selected for all years (since 2008)…

@ashprox Good luck to you too! @jennyxunbroken Hopefully! But yeah, I believe only 1 major related course articulates to SLO, which is Nutrition 8, or NUFS 8 for SJSU.

RIP Stephen Hawking :’(

@jennyxunbroken hey, this is confusing but… I submitted my supp app in mid January. Then I called admission to open it back around January 25th to make some changes. So now that everyone is experiencing issues, I checked my supp app and it didn’t delete completely, but it reverted to my original supp app that didn’t have the changes on it. But I called admissions and they said their end shows the changes and everything is fine.

Your stats are great! I’m so anxious to find out and hope we all get in — and we find out soon haha

Only 4 students in my entire district got into Cal Poly for Business, Ironically I was one of them but decided to take a gap year abroad…

My stats:
Major/Minor: Accounting/Info Systems with a minor in German
CSU GPA: 3.5
Golden 4: Done
Major Specific Coursework: Done
Work: 21+ hours
EC: 16-20 hours
Leadership Exp: Yes

Hope to see you all on the other side!

Random but I’ve always been wondering. being that I’m half latino and pacific islander can that benefit me any way in the admissions process?

freshman are now reporting rejections

psych major here!! still haven’t heard back and i’m not too sure what my chances are of getting in at this point.
GPA: 3.33 before app, current GPA is 3.42
IGETC: done by this spring
AA-T: done by this spring
golden four: A B C, finishing up communications this semester
pre-reqs: done except for child development
local: no, from san mateo county

@grilledcheezy Last years Transfer students who were accepted data.

The AVG. GPA was 3.39 for a transfer going into CLA. I’m assuming Poly will take the GPA reported on the app, might want to check if they tweaked your CSU GPA, because I doubled checked mine and it was higher then I reported it to be.

Honestly, you have a good shot with your AA-T (you should check if your AA-T gives you a GPA boost or it has a transfer agreement)


@naruthejatt Public colleges always say they don’t pay attention to race/ethnicity at all when making decisions cuz it’s supposed to be illegal but honestly I think that’s bs. Based off of what I’ve seen being an underrepresented minority definitely gives you an edge. Cal Poly is really trying to increase diversity and that’s the whole reason why they got rid of early admissions for freshmen. So yea being an underrepresented minority definitely could help

@Kalifornier2017 i just checked my supplemental application and it says i input 0 hours a week for work when i work at least 15-18!!! will that negatively affect me?

@grilledcheezy It could. They do give points based on the number of hours worked. Give them a call and see if they can change it for you.

anyone hear today? mine still says no determination made

@slotrees i have also reported my work hours in my application for eop, but i’ll give them a call as well

Nope still haven’t heard anything. :frowning: