Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

There’s going to be another outage tonight from 8pm-12am

Does that mean anything??


@lauriebell Not sure. It could mean that once it opens we might get a decision.

That^ or they are fixing whatever screwed up all of the supplemental apps

@lauriebell there was an outage the day before they released freshman decisions. Also was an outage last week, the night before they released emails to people saying their supp app was messed up. I think they were going to release decisions last week but then there was a glitch. Hopefully there isn’t another one

Aren’t there outages every Wednesday night?

hopefully that means that we will hear something tomorrow…

Yeah the outage is nothing new.

Last two weeks, the freshman got their decision on Thursday.

What time did they get them at?

@polywoly The first OOS acceptance was at 8:47pm on Wednesday night.

everyone refreshes their portal asap

At this point I think we will hear back tomorrow

don’t give everyone false hope

Portal is back up and still pending :frowning:

when i was in high school there were certain times schools would release the acceptances. like 3pm, 4pm, 6pm, 12am…etc

Yup. Still pending. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

@lauriebell I think it will be at noon or 5 pm if at all today. Those seem to be the common times of releases.

Nothing for me still. Any guesses when they’ll start rolling out?

@earlytransfer11 Probably next week? I’d imagine maybe Wed?

Given the supplemental application bug, I think they probably need a week to review all the information?