Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

Two of my friends got rejected a couple days ago (CC transfers for Business).

That sucks, but that should be good news for any business students that haven’t gotten denied yet, right?

That’s what I’m hoping since my status is still pending.

2 of my friends also got rejected for business cc transfer couple days ago

Anyone else get decisions?

Nope, my account just has the same old, wonderful message:
Thank you for applying to Cal Poly. We have received your application. No determination has been made at this time.

Does anyone know if Cal Poly SLO and Cal Poly Pomona’s admissions are related in any way? Like any trends of if you get into one, you won’t get into the other?

SLO is more competitive so if they accept you Pomona probably will too.

@gabe6678 and @naruthejatt maybe you have the same two friends?

Total shot in the dark, but maybe they applied as freshman? That could explain why they were rejected at the same time as freshman when transfers haven’t heard anything yet. Just a guess

No they both applied business admin transfer one had a 3.7 for MIS and the other around a 3.5 for bus accounting

I bet they had things missing, thats why they were denied…

Im pretty sure they had something missing. Because they were one of the first transfers denied.

They both applied as Business transfers with similar GPA’s and got rejected at the same time.

That’s so bizarre.

Missing what? Like stuff on the supplemental app?

Thats what im trying to point out. For me, I have a 3.38. Igetc is done, general ed is done, AAT in business admin, AAT in business econ, and aa in social behavior, 21+ hours in working, 21+ hours in extra curricular activities.

a councilor said that they don’t check the hours that you mark down lol so “use your best judgement”

Really? That’s awesome, haha. Damn I should have put higher hours then LOL. @austinreilly

So I’m guessing we have to wait another week?

It’s frustrating waiting so long. Hopefully we hear back on Monday.