Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

I didn’t expect such this long time;( deeply hope that we hear back starting Monday!!!

That can’t be accurate, I was told by a transfer counselor they look at everything to make a decision, including your hours.

@Charlie117 I think he meant that they do consider hours they just dont verify that you have actually completed them

Do they actually look at the transcript that you filled in the calstate app?

Or they just review the supplemental application ?

Even though my major is civil engineer, I already finished two computer languages: Java, and C++.
But those courses are not included in the supplemental application.

Next, I took 2 semester of athletics’s team training, which is 3 units/ each. I thought playing sport could prove that you participate in extracurricular activities. < 11- 15 hours >

My GPA in the calstate app is 3.76.
Without those classes above, my GPA in the supplemental form is 3.68.

I’m scared of rejection.

Does completing AA-T degree boost your GPA on application? Or does it improve your chance of acceptance?

@earlytransfer11 If the degree you are receiving from the AA-T program you are fulfilling is recognized as compatible with the major you are applying for at Cal Poly SLO then it boosts your GPA by .1 which in-turn increases the probability of you getting accepted.

The wait is definitely rough on this one… but keep that patience everyone! What a wonderful opportunity we all have :slight_smile:

The wait is definitely rough on this one… but keep that patience everyone! What a wonderful opportunity we all have :slight_smile:

@AstroRogers you are right what a wonderful opportunity we all have… I don’t know much about any of the rest of you posting on here waiting to hear about acceptance but it certainly is for me. I am a non-traditional student (as in I am returning to school after a long time off, I’m 36) I as a terrible student in High school and never in my dreams thought I would even have an opportunity to apply to Cal Poly (or UCSB, where I am also waiting to hear from). Keep your chins up, we’ve waited this long since applying we are on the home stretch.

@crimsonpetrichor Wow! Best of luck to you! It’s all about perspective! Just stay positive, always have a backup plan, and stay patient!

Better late than never


I’m 46 and got in to Cal Poly last Fall. Just finishing up my second quarter. G/L!

Thanks @Pablocruise how have you liked Cal Poly (particularly as a non traditional student)? what’s your major?


Not gonna lie; it’s been tough (for me). Lots of struggle, stress, anxiety, depression, and challenging dynamics of
an old person like me mixed in with twenty-year-olds.

But I do love Cal Poly and am grateful and happy to be there. As I walk around campus, I usually have a smile on my face that I just can’t seem to knock off.

Business Admin, accounting.

I think that it has to be this week guys because next week is spring break…

Hope you’re right on this haha. I think I’ve gotten used to waiting at this point

does anybody know if their admissions office is open next week during their spring break?

Still no determination for me.

@samssommers on the admission websites, all it states about campus closures is Friday, March 30th - Cesar Chavez’s Birthday and Monday, May 28th - Memorial Day.

okay thank you!