Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

Anyone get an acceptance or denial letter yet, im still pending?

stiiilll pending

Im here stopping by for a day at SLO. Loving it here, man I really hope I get in now.

About diversity, damn that was my first impression here.

Hey to Business applicants, could you guys bump me up by withdrawing yours lol

@RichardBIV what do you mean about diversity?

@transferjess Too many white people haha

Still Pending

It hasn’t been a good trip so far though, stopped by UCSB campus earlier to see and got pulled over and was issued 3 warnings literally. One for no front plates, two for tinted windows in front, three for having my insurance expired just yesterday, so I forgot to print out the renewal.
What a luck

We saw that cop pull over 2 other cars and a motorcycle after, cop must be having a bad day…

Have had my windows tinted for 6 months with no problem back home in Orange County, plates, it never had front plates. Insurance, my bad… but damn that cop.

@RichardBIV At least they were just warnings.

Still pending. GAHHHHHH

@RichardBIV Funny how “diversity” usually amounts to this (no white people). If you don’t like being around them, maybe find another place to live?

@RichardBIV, just head on over to cal poly pomona and find all the brown people you’d like.

@Wewewewcalpolywewewew I’m white if that matters, but honestly this was way different from my community college, maybe that’s why.

Just love meeting and communicating with people from different backgrounds. It is hard to tell when majority are white.


That’s awesome. I know what you mean.

What community college did/do you go to?

@lauriebell Saddleback College in Mission Viejo.

I think I’m going to admissions at SLO tomorrow and see what they can tell me in person of when are we going to get our decisions.

Oh gotcha, that’s near LA?



Nothing really new other than what you guys have heard here.

Went in and asked a few questions and when are we going to get the decisions, they said that by April 1st they have to send out the decisions and there’s no spring break for that department, so could be anytime before April 1st.

But hey c’mon we now know that next week is definately the last week for decisions.

It’s a spring break for me right now, so it’ll be rather quick!

On a side, anybody vacationing right now?

@RichardBIV no vacation for me. I am in Finals week for my Spring A term. Next week is my school’s spring break but I have to start an 8 week Public speaking class at another college since my school doesn’t offer it online. Then the following week my last 8 week term starts where my classes will overlap for most of the term… at least I am planning to take no summer classes so I’ll “vacation” then.

@crimsonpetrichor I’m in a similar boat. I work and I’m taking 18 units this semester. My vacations consist of my sleep schedule and the brief moments of euphoria I have on the drive home from obligatory school/work.

@demetra I hear you! I am taking 15 units, work and have 2 kids… I guess sitting at baseball practice could be considered my vacation, LOL.

Hey it’s not illegal to not have a front plate if the car was purchased without a designated front-plate area. A lot of spots cars do not come with front-plate mounts. Unfortunately, cops are not as well versed on the vehicle codes as they should be. It does give them probably cause to pull you over. (I work in court and have heard lawyers argue this topic).

I’m going to Palm Springs for my bachelorette party this weekend!! Getting married April 7 — whaaaaaa. And I feel ya, between work, working out, planning a wedding and school, I have noooooo free time.

It’s kinda sad tha decisions are taking so long that we have reverted to random conversation topics haha