Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

Any AG or AGB transfers want to get a house?

I was recently accepted but was having a hard time filling in kids into a house

Hey just throughing it out there I was accepted recently as an Ag Buisness student and I was wondering if any Ag majors would like to get a house?

@omarllamas1023 Mine still says pending.

The only school I applied to transfer to was slo and I actually got conditionally accepted for Aerospace engineering. I really wasn’t expecting this since my gpa was a 3.34 as of the cal state apply. At the beginning of the year I started failing a class that I put down as in progress, I was thinking that I wouldn’t get accepted and I could just retake the class next year. Now that I’ve dropped it, I’m scared that I’ll get denied. It’s stressing me out so much that I kind of wish I had just been denied so I wouldn’t stress like this. The class was only a major related course and so it was only desired and not required, but I’m still scared.

How bad does it look that I messed up major related (but not required) courses even though I already got conditionally accepted?

@dumbandsilly honestly just ask the admissions office. That’s the only way you’ll be able to get a straight answer!

Thank you for your reply! I’ve called twice and they just said that they’ll need to review my transcript :((

@dumbandsilly that’s so ominous! I wish you all the best x

I guess another weekend again! Finally the last one though.

Congrats to everyone who got accepted again! If you haven’t been there yet though or deciding between this school and other choice you may have, you really need to go there and see it for yourself.

SLO was my 3rd option but after the visit I fell in love with it and would love to pursue my schooling there but everything happens for a reason!

@RichardBIV If it was a no for us we’d be rejected like the others by now, maybe it goes by first letter of community college name


@cartoc might as well go by the first digits of our SSN

@rainingliquid27 yes, I asked a counselor to make sure and just sent my transcripts last night

I’m anxious and still waiting to see if I will be accepted into business major (marketing). For the record, I have a 4.0 gpa (transferable) and 3.82 (with nontransferable courses).

Best of luck to everyone!

Acceptances go out first, then waitlisters, then rejections. Haven’t been accepted yet so I think it’s safe to say it’s over. I’m trying to figure out if I should go to CSULB, SDSU, or UCSB. We probably have to make a decision soon since they register for classes in April. If we wait to long, we might not get the classes/teachers we want bc all these schools are compacted. (Business major here btw)

@Collegeis4bumz Are you 100% sure the selection goes like that? I think a majority of the people waiting for determination rather have some closure from the college than just some guess of someone. lol

@AstroRogers when it comes to rolling decisions, acceptances are always first → waitlist → denials. (Look at freshmen thread)

On the other hand, the admissions office claims they have more acceptances to give. But, no one claimed to be accepted yesterday, so it is safe to assume the MAJORITY of acceptances have already came out. They’re most likely waiting to see how many people deny the offer this weekend in order to determine the waitlist/small amount of people to accept.

Any CS majors get their decisions?

@yamjand I am a CS major and my still says pending, my friend is also a CS major and he got nothing yet either.

@t0pnotch got it. Are they still giving out acceptances next week even though it’s their spring break?