Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

@AstroRodgers thankfully someone on this forum a couple days ago called and were told that admissions doesn’t have a spring break!

@jam707 there’s no spring break for them, I walked in to talk to them few days ago.

@9785694 I’m an Electrical Engineer major and got notified on Wednesday.

am a cs major from de anza still waiting no determination yet

I am a CS major with a mediocre gpa. I know I will get rejected but can we get this over with quickly, Cal Poly???

@ElliotR Pretty bad GPA here too. What was your gpa if you don’t mind me asking? I have like a 3.1

Yo lit I’ve got a 3.14 for physics I thought I was the only one with less than a 3.8 in STEM @ElliotR @sailorboy

Is it possible that they are still looking at application or are we all getting waitlisted/denied?

@Catsandphysics Did you get in or are you still waiting?

@9785694 still waiting. I tagged UC Davis tho so I’m chillin’ - just waiting for other options

@sailorboy @Catsandphysics
I have a 3.5

CS is one of the hardest if not the hardest major to transfer in as.

There’s a shortage of CS classes at cal poly. If you Google you’ll find some upset students talking about it.

Hey everyone, so I got conditionally accepted to the college of liberal arts on Wednesday and Cal Poly is basically my dream school so I accepted my offer as soon as I was given the option, however I was wondering if we were all conditionally accepted since we’re all transfers and need to finish our last semester in CC? Or did I get conditionally accepted because I’m currently taking my required major prep and they wanna make sure I pass it? I’m just kind of worried that I may be celebrating too soon lol (I’m not worried that I wont pass any of my classes or anything, I just want input)

Everyone is conditionally accepted until you fulfill all the steps Cal Poly is requiring of you. So don’t worry!

That means, pay the downpayment, send in your latest transcripts after your last semester is over, etc etc.

BTW: Congrats on your Admittance!

This is it peeps, the week we’ve been waiting for and waiting, waiting…

@ElliotR @sailorboy @9785694 @yamjand @DAnzaColl1 I am a CS major and it still says pending as well… :frowning:

Waitlisted… Hopefully it’s one of those years where they accept lots of waitlisted students.

Welp first waitlist came out. Still no determination, it was fun while it lasted boys (Business Admin).

@slocity4 I just checked right now and it says pending, I ain’t looking good… I wouldn’t be surprised if this year they only accepted like 5 CS transfers. I guess it is what is…:slightly_frowning_face:

@9785694 I didn’t get in last year for Software Engineering. I appealed it because my major GPA for 4.0 and all other classes GPA was 3.95. In their appeal letter reply from Cal Poly they stated that they only accepted 5 software engineer transfers and that all of them had a 4.0, but they had work experience. I felt like crap and really defeated. This year I applied under CS hoping that they accepted more CS students, but you are probably right.

just got a waitlist notice for CS. Have 3.9+ GPA This is so frustrating

@slocity4 Man that sucks, do you have back up schools or are you applying a third time?
I wished Cal Poly accepted more transfers and less incoming freshmen, oh well…