Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

When are we expecting denials to come out?

@earlytransfer11 I am guessing tomorrow or Thursday since they will be closed on Friday.

@transferjess I called the housing office twice, the first person was unsure, the second person said to send them an email with the name of the person you want to be roommates with. It seems kinda odd though I kinda want more clarification

Someone mentioned you don’t have to pay today but I can’t see any way around paying today. Is there no way it use financial aid for that? Its fully refundable for transfers right? Still waiting on UCLA, USC but that won’t be til may 1

@Alwaysmidnight Where did you see that it’s fully refundable for transfers?? I did see a tab that you could choose the option of using financial aid.


“Make your $500 initial payment. (The transfer & graduate student initial payment is fully refundable if you cancel your housing by Aug. 15, 30 days prior to move-in.)”

Hi, just wondering my bf still hasn’t heard back for CS, have you seen anything yet or heard anything of others getting accepted for CS? So far I’ve only seen one waitlist for CS on this thread.
Best of luck.

@iceicebaby78 At this point it looks like it’s going to be a rejection, a lot of in CS have not received anything so it safe to assume none of us will get in.

Maybe they have some acceptances for a couple majors that they have left to give out tomorrow and thursday?

Have any other mechanical engineering majors gotten waitlisted?

hey there. mech engineering major here. i have a 3.9 gpa and still no determination… :confused: dont know what to think meh

Hey! @sugarydiamond

Really?! Dang, I feel like you’d definitely get in with a 3.9! Cal Poly seriously knows how to mess with our heads. ):

I have a 3.50 and I got waitlisted, so hopefully they are just still reviewing for acceptances.

RIP CS applicants

I just talked to 3 students from my college with 4.0 gpas.

All three are CS and are waitlisted. 90+ semester units (not missing anything).

@lauriebell haha i guess so! at this point I feel like anything can happen and whatever it is you just gotta be opened to it you know? I feel like at this point i just wanna move on from cc!!

Architectural Engineering anybody ? Still no determination on my status.

3.97 GPA and an AS-T. Called admissions again today and was told that some transfer applications had not even been looked at yet. From what I was told, it seems like the entire system is arbitrary. This is the first year of their new Cal State system-wide application system and it has had “many glitches.” So there ya go…

Still “no determination” yet for me and i’m a Construction Management major. Has anyone for ANY major even gotten accepted anymore though?? Like since this past weekend? It seems like no one has gotten accepted anymore since last Thursday (3/22/18). Everyone since then seems to have been waitlisted or “no determination” yet. I’m already starting to move on :frowning:

Who would like a thread for Cal Poly SLO Fall 2018 Waitlisted Students?

i thought that decisions had to be out by Friday?

@cartoc All transfer applicants will be notified by April 1st. The admissions office is most likely finalizing waitlist applicants and entering in denied applicants.