Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

No stats on the waitlist by major are available. It will vary from year to year depending upon on the enrollment.

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How many people came off the waitlist at Cal Poly last year?

Here is waitlist data for the last 4 years.

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 10233
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 345

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 9829
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 978

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 8816
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4032

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 4976
Number accepting a place on the waiting list
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 67

Waitlisted D received this email from Cal Poly today … not sure what to make of it, especially how its signed (bolded below)?

Thank you for your continued interest in becoming a part of our Mustang family!

*You and your supporters are invited to Cal Poly’s 30th Annual [Open House]

Cal Poly New Student & Transition Program


Cal Poly’s Open house events are open to all except Friday April 14th which is specifically for admitted students. SLO is probably offering waitlisted students and family to visit if interested along with prospective students. No RVSP required for Thursday and Saturday events.

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My son is on the waitlist and invited to attend. We are attending and so excited. Is this typical practice for waitlisted students to get invited? Also, were all waitlisted students invited? Has anyone received waitlist acceptances yet? Thanks so much in advance.

My daughter is also waitlisted and received this invitation. I think it’s open to anyone. I wouldn’t get your hopes up (unfortunately).

Are waitlisted students who received that invitation allowed to attend the events on Friday April 14th (which seems to be specifically for admitted students)?

You are required to register for the Friday events which are for admitted students only. Waitlisted students are not admitted students.

If you are an admitted student, Friday, April 14th is Admitted Students Day and is only open to students who have been admitted to the university. Please visit this link to RSVP

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So as long as the waitlisted student registers for the Friday events, they can attend the Friday events that are specifically for admitted students?

You are not an admitted atudent so it states those events are admitted students only so No.

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i got waitlisted in comp sci

@Gumbymom We might take a few kids tomorrow whose parents don’t drive. Can you tell me what the agenda for the event is? What happens from 8-9:30? What if we are late, can we join another session?

Here is the agenda. If you registered, then you should have all the information. Tomorrow is for admitted students only whom RSVP’d.


8 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Open House Check-in | TBD

8 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Campus Resource Fair | University Union Plaza

9 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. | University Welcome I: Orfalea College of Business (OCOB), College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences (CAFES), College of Architecture & Environmental Design (CAED)

10 a.m. | Academic College Meetings (CAFES, CAED, OCOB) | Various Locations

10 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Campus Tour | University Union (leaving hourly)

10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. | University Welcome II: College of Engineering (CENG), College of Science and Math (CSM), College of Liberal Arts (CLA) | Rec Center Main Gym

11:30 a.m. | Academic College Meetings (CENG, CSM, CLA) | Various

After your large college breakout session, there will also be departmental events coordinated by your college! After that use the break time to get to know the San Luis Obispo Community, visit a local eatery, or relax!

9 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Alumni House Open Hours

7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. | Friday Nite Invite | University Union Plaza

7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. | Parent & Supporter Coffee House | Chumash Auditorium

Thank you so much. They are admitted students and they did sign up. There are language barriers with the parents who also don’t drive, and there’s also some confusion about what happens when.

They are trying to figure out if it’s worth it if they can only go for Friday. We will have to drive four hours each way and they do not have the means to stay overnight. Do you think it would be a huge problem if we get there late? We would basically be there from about 9:30-6. Will Friday have enough content to help students get a sense of the school?

Finally, I looked through all the sessions for the weekend and I don’t see any outreach geared toward first-gen students. Am I missing that somewhere?

Well checkin is 8 am-12 so if you get there by 9:30 am you should be fine but may may miss the academic college intro. The campus resource fair should have information about for first generation students. I believe being there all day will give the students a good idea of the campus vibe, what opportunities the school can provide and the feel for the student body.

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I hope one of us get in best of luck to you! Any other schools that you plan on attending as of right now? Is cal poly still your number 1?

The confusion comes because Wait Listed students WERE able to officially register with their Cal Poly ID (and are attending as we speak) because of the email sent out inviting them. Yes this differs from the website but if the school didn’t want the confusion the emails should have been more specific and they should not have been allowed to register with their official ID. Parents have no way of knowing if maybe their kid was being extended a special invite or if maybe Open House numbers were low so they were trying to drum up more attendees.

I emailed them to double check and yes they were not supposed to be there today

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Thank you for the information so if you got the email invite, you could register regardless of what the website stated? Since I am not privy to the email information, I could only advise based on the website information. That gives waitlisted students a false hope they may be admitted eventually. I guess if a waitlisted student has not visited before, knowing about the campus would help with their decision given the short decision timeline if admitted off the waitlist.

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