Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

Yes I have a couple friends on campus attending right now who are on the Wait List but are 100% registered through the Cal Poly site with their Cal Poly IDs and have been welcomed to every event today no problem. I feel like this is definitely on the school’s end and may be intentional or may be a glitch but as you said it for sure made them feel as if they were more likely to get in.

It may be a glitch the school wants to look into as it’s cause a bit of confusion and maybe even false hopes. My two friends who are officially signed up for the events today with their Cp IDs are having a great time and so wanting to be admitted. Hopefully for their sake this doesn’t make the let down worse if they don’t come off the wait list.

Anyone heard an update on when waitlist notice will be released?

Are you asking when waitlist admits will start posting? No school will give advance notice when they start admitting so the student needs to be checking their portal and emails for status updates.

Did you find out any information regarding First generation resources at the Admitted students day?

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cal poly is still my # 1 :slight_smile: i actually attended the open house today. they said how 7700 students applied for comp sci and there was only 220 spaces available. 220 out of 7700 got accepted like that’s crazy! 2.8% acceptance. it could maybe give us a rough estimate on how many kids got waitlisted for comp sci? my other choices right now are ucr and csuf. college decisions were tough this year :frowning:

220 spots for CS but they admit more students than spots and based on overall yield, they probably admitted close to 600+ students to fill the 220 spots.

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Some WL applicants have been hearing through the month of April but typically a wave of acceptances will come out around May 1st they can go as late as July 15th. There won’t be an update from the school on any official dates.

So have some heard back already?

Edited: No one has posted on this site that they have been accepted off the waitlist. I also do not keep track of all the social media sites.


I know of at least three people who have heard back. One specially on April 9th if you are tracking stats.

Yes. I belong to a FB group and the first week of April there were some students notified.

My bad it was actually on the 12th, not sure if you keep records but just wanted to update you if so.

In state ? And what majors?

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Thanks for the info. I will make sure to list this information for future students.

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My son is waitlisted at Cal Poly SLO, which he prefers over the schools at which he has been accepted at. He applied to all schools with preferred major of Electrical Engineering and alternate major of Environmental Engineering (generally less competitive an area than Electrical at most schools, but yet still Engineering…). Since applying, he has decided that he actually wants to do the 2nd choice of Environmental Engineering as a career, and wherever he ends up going, even if starting off as EE, after the 1st quarter he plans to request a major change to Environmental Engineering.
I wonder if there is any way at this stage to let the university know that he actually prefers his alternate major? I’m not sure if they would consider such a change request at this stage in the waitlist process ?

For SLO, you cannot notify them about the change of major as a waitlisted applicant and usually if an applicant is accepted into their alternate major at SLO, it is not within the College of Engineering. If he gets off the waitlist, then you can change majors as an enrolled student.

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What’s the group?

Do you mind sharing which site you are on that has people who have been accepted off the waitlist. I haven’t seen anything on the SLO Reddit page or any other place.

Please note for the EOP program, the application is due along with the CSU application. No late applications are accepted.