Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

My apologies I was trying to find out for you but haven’t heard back from the person (it’s a friend of a friend). I did go back to my FB group to look for the other two people’s stats and they received their decisions after April 1st but NOT off the WL. Clarifying that now makes me doubt my friend but I will update you if I hear anything. Sorry for the confusion.


So I would assume there has been no waitlist movement as of now, correct?

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Looks like a false alarm.

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Do you think they will do a small sprinkle like they usually do at the end of April?

FYI…So I just saw a post on one of FB pages that someone got off the waitlist for Cal Poly SLO on April 14th for Environmental management and protection / 1st choice was Marine Biology/Science. So it looks like waitlists are starting to be looked at.

The FB page is the Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents page. It is for parents with kids who are going to or admitted to Cal Poly. Some parents whose kids are waitlisted are on there too.

I don’t think that was a waitlist acceptance because waitlist isn’t for alternatives

Actually, SLO has admitted students from the waitlist with their alternate majors in the past. Not done routinely but still a possibility.

Oh wow, so do you think it was a waitlist acceptance?

It is possible. I do not check all social media sites and many students or parents do not post anywhere so it could be a valid post.

It was a parent of a student who was waitlisted.

The parent was mad because her daughter had finally made a decision on another college and committed and then got notified that they were accepted from the waitlist for the alternate major. Which threw a wrench into their decision. She was asking SLO parents about the alternate major compared to what she had committed to for another college. The student is instate so it would save alot of money.

I guarantee you it is 100% true. It is a parent page not a student reddit page.

Edit to say that it is a parent FB page not a chat room, forum, or insta page.

Okay thank you for letting me know! Still hoping for the small chance that I have!

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The common data set published by the school looks to be a reliable source for waitlist info, section C2:

FYI: All the waitlist data listed on the 1st post of this discussion was found on the common dataset

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Has anyone heard of any movement of the waitlist?

per ZeeMee, one person was out from WL on 4/25 for Industrial Engineering major


Any update on waitlist ? UCs have started rolling out

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I have a theory that the first wave will be friday.
They admission wave was on a friday, waitlisted on a friday and denials on a friday.

Maybe, but there will be many small little waves because they will accept people and give them about a week to accept and then do a new wave of spots are still open, don’t be surprised if it takes them longer because they are either busy or just want to make sure on how they are on numbers

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That goes for all campuses, CPP gave students 5days to respond, so definitely keeping an eye out for weeks to come if your goal is SLO. I think the largest wave will potentially be the first wave.

Yes the largest will be the first wave, then it will get smaller and smaller. (I’m hoping to get in myself!) if not I don’t mind saving the money and going the CC route

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