Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

Top 20 Public Universities for High-Paying Careers in Tech

  1. University of California-Berkeley
  2. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  3. University of California-Los Angeles
  4. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  5. University of Washington-Seattle Campus
  6. California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
  7. University of California-San Diego
  8. University of California-Davis
  9. University of California-Santa Cruz
  10. University of Virginia
  11. San Jose State University
  12. Georgia Institute of Technology
  13. University of California - Santa Barbara
  14. California State University - Chico
  15. The University of Texas at Austin
  16. William & Mary
  17. University of California - Irvine
  18. Purdue University
  19. University of Wisconson - Madison
  20. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

I keep reading on FB about how there are record numbers of kids coming off waitlists this year and all I’m thinking is “Not SLO
I wish”.

You never know! Maybe they are just waiting a bit longer, they are probably one of the only schools to have their waitlist open until July 15th!

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W! Their whole process was slow

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That’s one way to look at it, I hope someone gets off the WL, literally anyone.


maybe this SLO waitlist is just a myth??? :smile:

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I mean people have gotten off of it before and they are one of the latest waitlist to stay open so we never know

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Chico ahead of Purdue UCI and UNC!.

They are ghosting us! Lol good luck everyone!

Although the chances are small don’t lose hope!

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We haven’t heard anything yet. D27 has accepted her offer at U of Oregon and is excited to go. She got off the waitlists of 2 out of her 3 waitlist schools, but Cal Poly is the only waitlist that MIGHT sway her from Oregon. And it’s the only one she hasn’t heard from yet lol.


Congrats I hope she’s 3 for 3 for waitlist and I hope I’m 1 for 1 which is cal poly


Yes, in market outcome of Tech Jobs posted by WSJ on Apr 28, 2023.

I called admissions today and was told all their majors are impacted and it is highly unlikely anyone will get off it. :smiling_face_with_tear:

You never know it is always unlikely, there will be very little people but that someone can be you!

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Quick question
is it true that it cost $0 to SIR at SLO?

Wouldn’t this cause some problems for admissions and numbers. People who actually had to pay SIRed at multiple schools.

That could be true or not. It seems all majors are impacted everwhere. SLO is only school who has been awfully quiet. If they are so sure of zero need for WL, then they should let people know.

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Yes there is no deposit to SIR at SLO. The deposit comes in the housing application ($1500), which all freshmen are required to live on campus the first year (unless they get an exemption, which then they would be committing to go for sure because the process for the exemption isn’t easy). Housing application closed on June 1st.


Ok thank you

so either all admits who SIRed were on top of everything, honest etc. Some small percentage just clicked yes with no cost to them until June 1st.

Wouldn’t this skew some of admissions numbers.

Some schools like SDSU you had to pay $400 to SIR, $350 for housing by May 1st.

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It definitely could skew them but a lot of things could skew any colleges SIR’d numbers as well.

Now that June 1st has passed I am sure that Cal Poly is really working diligently to clean up their numbers and look at those who SIR’d but didn’t do their housing and quite honestly, that may make them loose their spots.

I also think there is still a lot of movement happening everywhere (especially in CA) at campuses and all of this will help Cal Poly with the shake out of available spots.

I know a kid who who was committed to UCD for football and just last week switched to Cal Poly football. Clearly his situation is different from the typical waitlist student because of the commitment to a sport but there are still things happening behind the scenes that they are working out in their numbers.

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