Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

SLO has been using this process for a very long time. So, I doubt it’s skewing their projections, since I assume they how to forecast their admissions and manage their yield.

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Thank you…what you said make sense to me more than how they haven’t pulled from WL at all given how UCs did and some with good size waves. Good luck to everyone

That is true for all colleges. They know what they are doing. But if UCLA missed initial projections and a huge chunk of their freshman class is coming from WL…errors can happen to benefit those still waiting. Good luck to those eagerly waiting!

Did UCLA miss their projection(s) and admit a huge chunk of their freshman class from their waitlist?

ETA: Last year, UCLA admitted 367 from their WL, which seems about normal for them. Roughly the same # were admitted from the UCLA WL the year D18 applied.

I am pretty sure all the UC’s purposely under admitted this year and are using the waitlist to fill in gaps. Definitely more activity from the UC waitlists than the last 2 years but there has not been a huge majority of waitlist list admits for any of the UC’s. Only time will tell when the waitlist data gets published.

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D21 chose SLO over various UC’s. And just reading the SLO Reddit threads, you will see posts like UCSB vs SLO, UCD vs SLO or UCI vs SLO. I/we got to assume SLO wins a solid % of those cross admits.

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This year was different. You can see in reddit, CC as well as local people. UcLA made a lot of noise.

This year definitely felt like more than last year and the year prior, but I don’t think we have any idea of what the percentage of waitlist admits was vs. the overall class. We’ll know this fall, but I’m betting it isn’t nearly as many as it seems based on those of us who are terminally online here and on Reddit, etc. It’s definitely some. I don’t think it’s thousands.

That explains why there was no movement on the waitlist. Additionally, my friend told me her daughter tried to be removed from the admitted pool because she decided to go to a different college, but SLO told her she has to go through the housing process, which didn’t make sense to me at the time.

Yes. Dorm assignment time slot notifications go out on June 19th and students choose dorms starting June 20th thru mid July. My guess is if there are acceptance from the waitlist then notifications would probably happen here in the next 2 weeks so that any of the waitlist students accepted can get in the cue for housing (towards the back end since they would be singles filing in spots in rooms that had openings).

Just my guess.


which means that if you don’t pay for housing or get an exception, you are not attending SLO. They then can take that number of those committed based on housing and decide if the need to pull from the WL. ??? I know thats how SLO has been doing admissions but sounds long and drawn out even for them and of course much more for students

Last year, SLO pulled from their waitlist in late April prior to the SIR date of May 1 so I do not believe that above scenario is completely true but there were a few admits in June.

Well. It’s June 15th. Has anyone heard from the Cal Poly Wait List?

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Nope. Nothing yet.

At this point my kid is just waiting for the official rejection and making plans accordingly. I really do not understand why it takes SLO so long to send out notices.

Only school who hasn’t pulled from WL.

Last week UCSB and UCSD pulled again from WL. Even cornel.

Unless they are sorting out housing and waiting for transcripts. Lots of seniors not all flake and get less than C etc. It only benefits SLO to keep WL going.

UC keep going into July, August …:frowning:

I called admissions today and they said they will send out decisions for the waitlist by July 15th


I have to believe that if anyone has not heard back yet that they did not get accepted from the waitlist. Hopefully I am wrong and some people will get accepted.